Basically a grand here in Canadian due to the shitty dollar. Plus it requires a $600 video card. Yeah, I'll be into like 5-10 more years. I rather go do something useful with that money rather than experiencing a handful of games and then watching it collect dust.
Don't expect the Vive to be cheaper. If Oculus could have made the CV1 cheaper, they would have. The manufactered-on-demand 90 fps OLED dual screen is part of the high price of the CV1.
I was sooo tempted yesterday, but I think ill wait till after the 1st batch, read some reviews see upcoming contents. even though I'm all for VR, at this point in time it feels like a fad like 3d TV's. like @Mishka I think ill just put my money towards something else for now...
Is it 4k at least finally ? vive won't be cheaper for sure but, at least, it's a decent VR that doesn't come with a crap XBOX controller...
Well, first of all, you can't move using the Rift while you can using vive. Second, an xbox 360 controler isn't good at all for immersion, try using the swimming VR app and you'll see. Maybe the oculus touch will be good but right now they aren't here. So, yeah, OR might work if you play a game like EVE Valkyrie where you sit on your ass in a cockpit anyway but it's nowhere near VR experience where your whole body movements are tracked and you have controllers that come close to something real.
So your interest in VR is mainly for standing up interactions. In that respect, I can understand your comment. However, not everyone is like that. For one, I don't care for nor intend to walk and flail my arms in VR. HOTAS and static like input devices on a sitting posture satisfy me fully. I want the piloting feelings I had with my DK1 in Star Citizen back, with that hornet piloting stick in front of me and the asteroids I shave close having real depth. Comparison CV1 to Vive : CV1 slightly better lens and screen, but both very good products. Exactly what we need for getting VR to a broader audience.
I bought one because I would much rather sit on a chair and experience things ( project cars , war thunder , star citizen , etc ... ) I do not have a room dedicated and large enough to walk around in it nor is it wireless which I know for a fact I would trip over the cable multiple times. I for one am pretty pumped to be finally getting into the VR world. As for the comments about not being able to move with the rift that is in development and is something they are working on. What will be the most important thing is the content.
I'm surprised people expected it to be cheaper than that. I guess it's the companies fault for hinting at a certain price range, but people need o realize that this is brand new tech, version one of anything is always going to be expensive as hell, buggy and content for it will be minimal. The first version will be great for cockpit-view games like Eve: Valkyrie and any other racing/simulator games. But unless some sort of multi-directional treadmill comes into existence we are far from any meaningful and immersive RPG experience. Not only the treadmill part, but also the part were we need to have the GPU power to back it. You need to have a GPU capable of running at least 1440p with a minimum frame rate of 90, which by today's standards is pretty impossible.
Yeah cuz 1,500 is a no go. Will have to see the release version because atm testers say the Vive is "heavy" on the head. But, yeah, i want to use VR for a lot of stuff besides gaming, like VR tourism or news and VR movies someday, that must kick ass. And a TES in full VR would be nuts ! Now there's always the option of OR + Omni+ too, will wait till the summer to see what's out and what's what.
VIVE will be more expensive than the Oculus tho. I wouldn't be surprised if it hit the 1000 dollar range.
Alright, so I happened to stumble upon a program that made me expand my viewpoint about VR. You are maybe familiar or heard of the MikuMikuDance software that allows anyone to load 3D models and animate them, make them dance and add effects to produce videos. There are a lot of 3d models out there, firstly of Vocaloids like Hatsune Miku of course, and then of anime characters, game characters (ripped and adapted), etc ... For Example, Angela, the character in my sig, is from an anime and this is an image from an MMD video. Angela from MMD video It happens that a japanese has made a program to load those models and their dances into VR ! I can thus load Angela's 3d model, a 3d background and have her dance like in the videos (minus the visual effects),but in full VR. And navigate using the Xbox pad (easier than keyboard keys). This is already positively awesome. My DK2 has never seen so much use since I found this soft. But where this went directly OVER NINE THOUSAND, is when I had a brillant idea. Instead of using the pad, how about ... I just stand up from the chair, get a bit back and move ? Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit IT WORKS !! I quickly repositioned the Oculus camera higher so it gets a better view of my body and it worked well. I have moved some furniture, got some cable extensions and I am now proud to say that my living room is from now on doubling as my very own cyberspace ! The software allows to move the 3d models inside VR to set them up and then save the scene. Which means I have tailored those to fit in my cyberspace that is approximately 2.40m (8ft) long by 1.80m (6ft) wide (with narrowing towards the camera of course). I can walk, sit on the floor, sit on my sofa, (which by the way is even more immersive for the 3D scenes that do have a sofa, I move it so both the real and the VR one are at the same place), I can dance around the characters. Angela and the sofa You won't believe how empty things feel when I remove the dk2 off my head, haha. So, there you have it. You can fully use VR with a DK2. And you guessed it ... I took the plunge for a CV1. Eh .. What did you expect ? This is simply too awesome. I have until July to save the 741€ it's gonna cost me. But you know what ? I'm sure it'll be worth every penny (especially the higher resolution, wider field of view camera). Here is the digital treasure :
If you don't feel comfortable watching a porn video alone with the Oculus/Vive you and I could always roleplay together :3 Rawr
Just an update. MocuMocuDance is single-threaded, so it doesn't benefits from multi-core CPUs. In order to have more than one character on the screen, I had to overclock my Phenom x6 from 3.2 to 4.2 GHz. Alas, that wasn't enough to have 75 fps with two characters. So I have upgraded to the most powerful x86 CPU on earth for single-threaded programs, aka. i7-4790K. Overclocked at more than 5 GHz, supported by some DDR3 2400, and liquid-cooled by twin 120mm fans. I can now have up to four characters at 75fps. The AMD 290 has also been overclocked to the gills, one more MHz on the GPU core and I get visual artifacts. Waiting for AMD's LiquidVR drivers and Polaris GPU to get a second (or a couple) graphic card.
Friend brought home a DK2 this weekend so we dicked around on that for a little bit with the new SDK. Overall the new technology is pretty impressive and amusing but it isn't really good for anything other than stationary games where your in a cockpit of some kind. The lack of a forward facing camera really hurts the rift and almost everything in the can be played with just a normal monitor. I'll be on my original plan of waiting until the second or at least third generation of devices come out. I can't really think of anything I would want to stick my head into for more than 15-30 minutes until some higher quality titles get developed.