What is your in game name?: Pullieshore-EmeraldDreamHow old are you?: 29Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a working microphone?: YesCan you make raid nights on consistent and reliable basis? (Tue/Thur/Sun @ 7:30pm server): YesWhat class and specialization(s) are you applying as?: Protection or Fury WarriorLink your main character's armory page.: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/emerald-dream/Dorithoe/advancedList any alternate classes and specialization that you may be interested in playing.(opt.): Boom/Resto Druid or my HunterLink the armory page(s) for any alternate character listed.(opt.): http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/emerald-dream/Pullieshore/advanced http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/emerald-dream/Lolstarfall/advancedWhat tools or guides do you use to optimize your character?: DBM, GTFO, Exorsus, Fat Boss, TL;DR, Method, Shadowed Unit Frames and many moreLink a recent log of a raid you participated in.: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/q3GbrPH2RwCytQaZ#fight=4What is your previous raiding experience?: 6/7H 3/7M HM, 10/10H 6/10M BRF 13/13h 8/13M HFCWhy are you interested in XoO?: Raiding!What are you looking for in raiding with XoO?: I'd like to get better at playing whichever class I'm needed to, get loot, become famous and die of a meth overdose.
I'd like to get you on TS for a few minutes for a short interview. You can either arrange a time with Jasmine or you can add me on bnet (kuulin#1631) and we'll get you in.