Any opinions should I just stick with Win7, upgrade as soon as it's out, or wait and see? Since I Am thinking of buying a new comp at the end of the year anyway don't know if I should even worry about it either.
I am planning on upgrading a few months after it comes out, just to let other people find all the faults with the OS and hopefully give Microsoft time to put out patches and also have more stable hardware drivers for my stuff.
This, every time a new windows OS comes out it's usually a mess when it comes to drivers/hardware compatibility and a fuck ton of small innocent but when all combined annoying bugs. Just give it a couple of months of updates when it comes out to avoid the very possible downgrade to 7 or 8.1 .
By most accounts the pre-release versions run well. I'll probably do it on my home computer pretty quickly. Not much to go wrong there.
I need a clean install of windows so might just go for 10 when it releases. If it sucks ill just downgrade to 7 before I reinstall everything.
So, Been running windows 10 on my new rig for last couple weeks. No significant problems and, most of the minor stuff like Twitch hitching every few minutes seem to have cleared up on their own. Or they could have just been the new PC breaking in and had nothing to do with windows 10. I am by no means a power user and if you are you may have your own issues but from primarily a gamer, It's been running well.
I did a clean install of windows 7 in june then upgraded to 10 on release. No problems so far boot times where long for the first couple days though.
Since they did compatability mode the windows releases have been much better. 10 reminds me a lot of win 7. Win 8.0 was complete shit. For me windows 10 runs faster than 8.1 If you do upgrade you can reverse it pretty quickly and go back. its also a one step process. There are some apps I use for work that have some issues but pretty minor. It doesn't hurt to wait a bit at least. I kept everyone at my work on win 7 we will prob upgrade everyone to Win 10 around January if there are no issues.
I upgraded a while back, and I hadn't been having any issues. Recetnly though, it has started tellng me it can't install updates because it can't update the service partition. I tried following the instructions on the Microsoft site to open space on it, but it isn't working for me. Any ideas?
I upgraded te bee part of the GIGANTIC BETA and have had zero issues, also use it at work as my go to windows VM.