Are you over 18?: YesDo you have TeamSpeak 3 and a working microphone?: YesWhat previous gaming experience do you have?: ArcheAge, Tera, Perfect World, Dragon's Prophet, World of Warcraft, Skyforge, Elder Scrolls Online, Everquest 2, Ark Survival evolved(Does that count?), and several other games I barely recall now. I dabble in everything but FPS.What is your time zone?: PSTWhat times are you regularly able to play?: Between 12am and 6am since I work swing shift as a grocery store. But I also play a lot on my days off, which are all over the place.Do you have a member referral?: Do you prefer PvE or PvP and why?: PvE, I like to trade and quest with friends, but I also love to help others get things done. I like to PvP in larger groups for GvG, Territory Wars and sometimes arenas. But I am more focused on helping others than I am fighting them.Where did you hear about us?: I joined the ArcheAge Division, when it disbanded I waited off to the side for another game I could dedicate that much time to again.Why do you want to join Xen of Onslaught?: I am familiar with some of the members and leaders and know that I enjoy the company of many of it's members, though it's been a while. I'd like to play alongside them again if I can since I believe I will be able to dedicate a steady, meaningful amount of time to the game to make myself useful. And I enjoy talking to people.
I hope it all goes well! since in BDO we can't trade anything but pots I'm looking forward to playing with everyone rather than fearing getting burned out over dungeon grinding or something. PvP is going to be a big thing, I think, but everyone will be mostly fending for themselves, which makes it interesting. Edit: Got overexcited and forgot to say thank you! XD