Looking finally to upgrade/replace my old S2 now that I have it completely paid off after many years of not giving a shit and finding it more than acceptable for my current needs. The chance has come to switch carriers as well so I'll be going from Virgin Mobile (Canada) to Wind (Canada). I'll stick with Android because that's what I know. A list of their devices are here: http://www.windmobile.ca/plans-and-devices/mobile-devices Anyone have any good opinions on the cell market? Is it mostly Samsung vs Google's Nexus? Is there any other phones out there that have great spec.?
I still dont like Samsung's OS. While it has gotten better, Samsung and all other manufacturers still insist on bundling bloatware in the phone and the past couple years spyware in the apps too. LG is particularly bad about this spyware and keyloggers that activate when you launch any of their apps. That is why I like Nexus or other "pure" phones the best for Android. Motorola makes some good phones that have pretty lightweight and very stock Android OS. Every once in a while there is also a Google Play Edition of a phone like one of Samsung's or HTC that is the same exact phone as the flagship but runs a completely stock OS. If you want something somewhat cheap and dont care about having every new "amazing" feature that you will use once and not care any more, OnePlus just came out with their "Two" model that is pretty nice overall and makes for a very well rounded phone in all aspects and doesnt cost a ton either. Invites are not that hard to get really. Spend a few hours posting on their forums and you will get one, or ask around for someone to send you one. Google is coming out with their 5.2" and 5.7" screen size phones for the 2015 refresh in another month or two, the new Nexus models. Sony has the new Xperia Z5 models that are pretty nice but cost a ton.
Samsung S6 Edge or Edge+ are two of the most popular. Most of the Samsung bloat ware stuff has been toned down and can be disabled but that is something you will have to decide as whether that is acceptable for you.
Recently picked up the LG G4 and have to say that I like it more then my previous samsung galaxy note 3.
I am not impressed with the this years Samsung phones with minor upgrades and fewer features for style. But if you go with last years phones that are actually not that far behind this year's phone tech you have a lot of vary good and much cheaper option. For power users the Note 4 is outstanding with a high capacity battery that is also removable, large screen, and powerful hardware specs. If you are not a power user the nexus is a great option for that price. With the new nexus coming soon you wont find a better price per performance deal right now. For anything not nexus I would flash it over to cyanogenmod to remove all the bloat and take advantage of some performance tweaks.
Also the new Moto X pure edition just launched. Worth a look into: https://www.motorola.com/us/product...=LAUNCHGENERALRETAILVERA&utm_term=build_yours I never had the last gen model, but the first Moto X was one of my favorite phones ever
After looking around and everyone's suggestion I think I'll hold out to see the new Nexus refresh before making a choice. I tend to like a barebone system and the nexus should more than meet my needs for anything else.