So way back when i was buying my last computer I took a look at SSDs and found too expensive and too faulty for my wallet. So how are they now I know the price has dropped by quite a bit so that's not a problem so much anymore. How reliable are they now? Any brand/model on the market that I should avoid, and by extension be on the look out for a good deal on? Now I'm not talking the big giant expensive ones I probably cant swing much more the 100-150 on one even if I do get one. I'm talking OS and maybe a few more commonly used games and programs size ( IE slow arsed shit that loads too slow even for me on a normal hard drive).
I just posted this in Kyoji's thread: Intel has the best reliability now. Samsung had better reliability until very recently when they had some issues with a few of their drive series, however the issues were resolved so at least Samsung fixed it. Other companies tend not to fix their problems with hardware and just release new models instead, and the speed issue with the Samsung drives also plague most other drives on the market too. Nobody seems to care though since the other brand drives are not affected to quite the same extent as the Samsung debacle. Crucial drives were pretty bad for a long time, major firmware issues with the Marvel controllers they used. However the new MX100 and MX200 drives have had no reported issues that I have seen and have been out for a year or more now so that means their reliability should be plenty good. I was never able to recommend them before but now I feel alright doing so. Here are links:
Ya those are good nice size so can put a few things on them and in my price range I'll keep an eye on them they won't stay on sale like that unless they are trying to clear stock. thanks. Sorry Erock I live in Canada so pretty much double that price
Oh how are Kingston's SSD seeing them on for half price often lately. IE:
Everyone seems to like them, though they use controllers I still dont trust outside of Intel's proprietary firmware and designs. No real issues with them though
lol I was just coming here to post that rbstr The Samsung 850 EVO 500GB is only $4 more expensive too