boom I will not OC the card much yet. AC is not on in the house and its been hitting 90ish or so during day around here. @EniGmA1987
You're running Titan X @1002Mhz ? Isn't that like stock? Even my crappy Titan runs @ 1150Mhz from 800 stock. ... 980 TI ACX SC with my own OC +150 GPU +50 mem on the already OC from EVGA ... vs Titan X that was OC thanks from the help from @EniGmA1987 got an AMAZING score with a BIOS flash
If you want to get modifying your own bios: And if you really want to get serious about your GPU speed: let me know if you want to get even more extreme than that^^^
Hm based on this : It seems the TITAN is really not worth it for the different actual games ? 980 TI has the same fps (almost). Sell me your 980 TI Erock i'll pass near Long Island in a couple weeks haha i can make a hook. Unless the Fury XT blows our minds !
I think I am good with what I have for now. I am over 50 - 90 FPS in pcars maxed out and I have Gsycn at 1440p sooooooo its fine way it is
GIEV ME YOUR 980 TI NOES. And yeah Enigma i hope, because it's weird that there's 0 benchmark 24h prior to release...
There are the usual benchmark leaks. Maybe a little less than normal. But someone put out a 3D Mark run a week or two ago I think it was (used to be here: Supposedly there will not be high availability for the cards, and rumors are AMD was just barely getting working bios' out to manufacturers just this past month. I guess it is supposed to be a "soft" launch of the cards with limited availability coming soon. AMD set up an entire new PC event during E3 and got all sorts of manufacturers on board, so if they dont release solid info on the new cards then I would be very surprised. What else could they possibly make such a big deal about?
green > red I was an ATI fan till I got a geforce like 9800 GTX+ --- switched over again at 290 and also dual 290. Had mass amounts of issues with em. Went back to the top of line single Nvidia card and I am enjoying life again. AMD is great for the value. I just like the Nvidia experience better even if it costs a bit more. I will let people know when we get the cards in at work thou.
Yeah the 290 seemed really screwed up in terms of build quality and heat management ? I saw a leaked 3dmark bench on WCCFTECH indeed, it placed the Fury XT on par with the Titan X and a tad above the 980 TI. It'll all depend on the price, if the Fury price is 30%+ less than the price of the 980 TI (which i doubt) it'll be worth it, if not, not worth the trouble. 16nm will destroy everything next year. In any case i might just get a TI this year and buy a 4k monitor next year with a full config so i can put my 1440p upstairs along with the current PC (and put my 780 on the PCTV so i can play 1080p without a hassle). Is it still the EVGA you recommend for 980TI ? I tend to like Gigabyte's windforce but i don't really mind. Also, i'll probably buy it in Albany on the way back, unless i can hop by Long Island on the way to philly if you have things in stock at your shop Erock ? Thx guys
non in stock right now. The ACX 2.0 + Blackplate is nice ... I run a bit cooler vs what my Titan X on reference. I hear the G1 is a solid cooler just loud. I may or may not order the corsair hybrid kit
Yeah Newegg has the ACX 2.0 + BP in stock (700$ ouch) but i don't know how i could order it as i keep moving for 2 weeks and will lack a delivery address Edit : seems that Fury X's MSRP is 649$ : RIP AMD. Noone'll buy this over a 980 TI... Now i just need to find one while i'm in da states, if anyone has hints, i'm a taker