Archeage question

Discussion in 'Other Games (Not Listed)' started by Azraeli, May 27, 2015.

  1. Azraeli
    Veteran Crowfall Member

    Jan 3, 2015
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    I haven't played for a while and I was wondering how the game is looking especially on the Niama server. It seems pretty dead, especially if Archeage was taken off the community site completely. I guess if anyone is still playing, could I get an update? I am thinking about completely moving on to more established games as I am under the impress that the game might never recover or get better from where I stopped playing. My main interest is related to how the East is doing compared to the West and the quality of pvp (general game stuff is good too!). If I get positive responses, I might be heading back. I'm not sure :p
  2. Eumaeos Romanus
    Veteran Crowfall Member

    Mar 9, 2012
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    There are still quite a few of us in AA. The majority of the members went to <Origins>. Efitall and a few others are officers. The East is still outnumbered by West, but for the most part it isn't a big deal.

    The last couple of patches brought in a gear grind that requires significant investment in PvE (Library and some auroria mobs for Obsidian weapons and armor).

    Arenas are still arenas. Be geared or GTFO. Queue times are a bit longer than previous, but still bearable for the most part.

    There is a lot more naval customization stuff now with ship component regarding that affects speed, durability, radar stealth, cannon damage, etc.

    There are more quasi-pirate guilds than before that stay green while stealing packs from people, so all in all, there is a bit more PvP, but the majority of people are dedicating themselves to boss farming and PvE grinding.

    I'm not in game a ton currently as I have been working my ass off with lots of travel around the country and more to come, but I still get in for a little bit most days to burn labor and keep up with what I can.
  3. Azraeli
    Veteran Crowfall Member

    Jan 3, 2015
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    That's good to hear. I might be headed back but I think my land is gone so I'm not sure what I'll be doing. I'm guessing the exp grind is still the same? It was pretty terrible especially with college stuff going on. I might have enough time this week and maybe next week to get a good grind going though so who knows.

    I honestly haven't been able to find anything quite the same and I do like the farming and control aspects you get from the game.