The wife and I have purchased a dedicated server due to the multiplayer version being so damn buggy. We would love to have some of the old Wurm players come join the fun. The game is still in Alpha (7.1) currently and we are having a hell of a lot of fun building the world and killing zombies. It's always more fun with XoO players though! We have about 5 slots open yet send me an email and I'll send you the IP and password! Game is 7 Days to Die. Kind of a mix between minecraft and wurm with zombies thrown in. Not as blocky as minecraft and not as labor intensive or costly as wurm. You buy the game once and you're done. Interested? Shoot me an email at it goes to my phone. Please include your forum or game name so we know who is asking. Not opening it to the public because of the normal reasons ... stealing etc etc. Only XoO members.
I also have a dedicated server, we're now in alpha 10 and a lot has changed since alpha 7. Hook me up for server information.
We have a lot of members with 7 Days to Die. We played it A LOT back when it was first released on early access but it was rather buggy if you had too many people and were spread out so we kinda slowed down. With the new switch to Unity engine we are going to be playing some this evening and hopefully get back in to it. 7DtD is easily my favorite survival game. It just needs better/more pvp.