Archeage Archeage Division Retiring

Discussion in 'News - Front Page Posts' started by Kyoji, Feb 21, 2015.

  1. After a long list of achievements both world and server first we have decided to retire the division for good due to lack of interest and lack of leadership interest in the game.

    We started very strong with an immense amount of research and study into the mechanics of the game and how to get a good headstart at release. We managed to grab the land we wanted to accumultaed well over 25+ guides to help us become an early success.

    We overcame early obstacles with our day 1 massive 80v80 battle with DVS for a large illegal tree farm which we managed to retain and used to build our empire.

    After we battled back the DVS assault we decided to steal some of their wood and the battle between XoO and DVS once carried in PS2 transfered to ArcheAge.

    With our wood in our hands we built our first fleets and sailed to Freedich and we rolled deep!

    When the West brought numbers to Freedich the East rallied!

    To return the favor we helped our own Eastern allies run trade packs as well as help fight off the West on multiple occasions!

    Of course we also fought hard on our home soil fighting off the West in Hasla on numerous occasions.

    After a long period of fighting we wanted a place to relax and enjoy the countryside of Archeage's landscape. So we were the first guild worldwise (NA/EU) to get a Guild Mansion. We beat the next guild by a full 2 weeks!

    With one world first we wanted another so we set our sight on the Kraken. We did not manage to get ourselves world first as one guild beat us but we did manage to get server first and we then filled our mansion with the tentacle goodness!


    With yet another first down we couldn't help ourselves so we anxiously prepared for Auroria. We got our miners organized and leveled up and prepared by sitting right outside of Auroria. We hit the area hard and fast and we held off the overwhelming numbers of the West so much so that during the massive server-wide PvP event we managed to grab the very first castle on the server. We are not sure if we were the world first or not sadly no data exists but our time on the grab was quite quick leaving other guilds in the dust.


    We successfully built up our castle and defended it and practiced sieging against Ironfist and ourselves. At one point no one wanted to fight us to we bought our own scroll and mailed it to Latinus who decided not to attack.

    We also helped our ally guilds defend their castle as they helped defend ours and our prosperity maintained. In the below screenshot you will see ASTN assaulting with several siege towers!

    With castle sieges under our belt we received our very first Black Pearl which would have also been a server first, but the individual was recruited after he finished his goal of assembling all 55 pieces to the ship. Still a worthy sight!

    We then st our sights on another server first by killing Morpheus. One of the late game bosses that no one was able to defeat. ASTN was attempting to beat us to it but we stepped in, killed them, and instead downed the boss ourselves!

    Then we did it again by killing off all the pirates in a massive global server event where all the factions came together.

    Aleez, Que and Mishka like this.
  2. We will be preparing for the next big game be it Camelot Unchained, Black Desert, Start Citizen, Crowfall, or whatever! We will dominate there too!
  3. Asan Drakus

    Asan Drakus Banned Crowfall Member

    Crowfall is teh secksy
  4. awwyiss

    awwyiss Veteran

    we cry :(
    ive never had more fun in an mmo than with xoo, i loved playing with everyone.
    auroria launch will forever be a crazy memory <3
    Babilonilouco and Mishka like this.
  5. Mishka

    Mishka Veteran FPS Member

    I'll never forget the first day of Archeage :D So much shit going on. It was a well planned launch by XoO ;)
  6. Arok Vaar

    Arok Vaar Veteran

    well .. i was active till before north continent opened up. happy to see me in the earlier raid screenies + firing on kraken alongside skyfi and tajir. nice meeting some of yall in AA. Parok says hi to all who i played with *waves*
  7. hope to see you all at black desert.
  8. Rakion

    Rakion Banned

    Great times all around. Will never forget you guys. See u all in Camelot Unchained!
  9. We had a good run, alot of fun times
  10. Kdang

    Kdang Veteran

    Dem feeels :'(
  11. Squirl

    Squirl Veteran Camelot Unchained Member

    Why the fuck did I not read this post before Sunday. Well I guess I will uninstall. :(