How old are you?: 31In-Game Name: RavencraftDo you have TS3 and a working mic?: YesWhere did you hear about us?: Archeage ForumPrevious Gaming Experience: Dragon's Gate, Ultima Online, Everquest, DAOC, Everquest II, Shadowbane, SWTOR, Elder Scrolls OnlineLocalization (NA/EU/Oceanic): NAWhat class/role will you take up in game?: I plan on playing a variety of characters, including ranged DPS.Activity Level (in Hours): 20-25Have you joined the usergroup?: Yes
Our minimum activity requirement is 25 hours a week. We also require a level 30+ in the alpha or Aranzeb beta server. Can you meet these qualifications?
I am currently level 29 on the Alpha server. I'm in graduate school, in communications, and I work at the school as a Graduate Assistant 20 hours a week. This means I will have a great deal of time to play some weeks. Some weeks, however, I may not be able to make it 25 hours, but on average I should be fine, especially if you consider that I enjoy having a game to play intermittently while I'm working on a project. If you count those hours, I will be well-over. I used to play Eve online while reading Shakespeare for instance.
If you're wondering if I lack dedication, consider that I just dropped 150 bones on the game before its even out and made it to level 29 in two days.