How old are you?: 29What is your in-game name?: Blazze ValkurmDo you have Teamspeak 3 and a working microphone?: YesWhat is your main class?: PLD iLv 93 ( just changed from MNK iLv 93 just because I got tired of fail'tastic tank. thought if I was the one tanking, it would be an non-issue. plus its just fun)What is the highest turn you have completed in The Binding Coil of Bahamut?: Turn 5. I do have exp in T6 up to Super slug but my last party sucked on DPSA little bit about yourself? Gaming history, habits, etc...: I have all my DoH/DoL/DoM/DoW to Lv50. My DoM/DoW are all i90+.How many hours do you play per week, on average?: 80?What is your highest level of progression in terms of the Primals? Example: Completed Titan Extreme or Attempted Ifrit Extreme: Cleared and have all primals on farm (other then Rumah)Were you reffered to XoO? If so, enter the name of the person who referred you to XoO: No, Tsuyoshi had a party finder upWhat times can you consistently play: Monday-Sunday any time. Just let me know when needed and I will be there. (I have MS in real live so I dont work atm)What is the lodestone link to your character?:
App looks great... need to get you in for an interview... Are you looking to just join a static or FC as well
I would like to do both. The FC i'm in now is just sort of a place holder. I took a 2 month break do to buying my first house and kinda fell behind on Coils and the static/fc I was in died. Looking to get back into things with a team that knows what they are doing. However I must warn... I play to win. I like to have a good time, but if the cost of such is wipes... then I become... upset lol. I always have my /gameface on when learning, but like to have a good time otherwise.
Lol yeah I stay logged on all the time. I am on for a very long time, but during the day on the weekdays I am afk. We are actually upgrading our house. You know that's fine if you rage a little... I'm a hard core player myself. Just know that there will be some hicups until we can get you to a group with the cohesion you need.
Cool, and yes. Not going to bitch about RNG... if thats what you mean. Just wanted to put it out there so I didn't (if invited) get kicked 3 days later, because ppl are shocked at how I am. (speaking from EXP ^^
would not let me edit this in... so new post. Last group was more about hugs and getting along then progress. Also, I checked out the TS, looks like you guys play a lot of other game. D&D: Next(Tt)/shooter/anything with zombies in it... if anyone cares. ^^