How old are you?: 26In-Game Name?: Daedalus/AegisDo you have Teamspeak 3 and a mic?*: YesWhy did you choose XoO & where did you hear about us?: Member of former divisions (GW2 and MOBA), and current ArcheAge division.Previous Gaming Experience: UO DAoC EQ SWG WoW Rift GW2 ArcheAge KR CBT and Retail TESO (was a big mistake) Specifically MMO's involving my involvement as a leader or group manager the previous games are listed chronologically. Only GW2 was I with XoO for, my other involvements with XoO were within the MOBA division. I pride myself on organization, and not only the ability to give orders but to take them. Further details can be discussed, of course, anytime in TS.List what ships you have, mark LTI where applicable: HORNET F7C-R TRACKERWhat is your preferred role in-game?: Scavenger (Salvage Operations)Localization:: NADo you have a referral?: N/AActivity level?*: 35-40Do you have a high speed internet connection and a good computer?: Yes
Welcome back. You should already have the teamspeak info, find either Que or myself on teamspeak when you can.