Hi, Notno here. I haven't posted here or been on in quite some time, but I once asked about getting a psu and was given phenomenal help that I greatly appreciated and helped me get a great psu. It's about time I updated my gpu so i was wondering if someone could assist me here; I'm looking for a gpu that gets me the most bang for my buck, something quality enough to run a game like Skyrim on ultra or very high, but not so nice as to break the bank. Any advice would be much appreciated, thanks - Notno TLDR: Looking for a decent graphics card low price
I don't remember what PSU you got, but does it have only 6-pin PCI-E power cables or does it have at least 1 8-pin PCI-E power cable? Many of the latest cards are higher wattage stuff than the previous generations and they have 8-pin power plugs on some of them. Also, a price range would be good to have. One person's "not break the bank" can be very different than someone elses. Right now I am also thinking maybe a GTX 770 though. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814125462
Amazon has the 770 for the same price, but with 2 day shipping if you have prime. Also the 780ti SC at a decent price.
Don't think that is really $100-200 range ; P If you are still looking in that range maybe an R9 270?
I really think you should wait to buy a GPU notno59. Nvidia is releasing their lower end "Maxwell" generation cards very soon (within the next couple months I think) and those should be a step up from what is currently out, and since they are the lower end cards we will see them in the $150-300 price range depending on model. I do see this about the PSU: 1 x 6-Pin, 1 x 6+2-Pin So that is good because it means you are not limited in any card in the sub $600 range just because of lack of power cables or the power available to run the card.