We plan to have a list of talented members who will be available to help with certain projects. The list will be posted in the forums so that you can find the right person for the right job. This will help divisions flesh out promotional material, allow members to request signatures and/or avatars, get twitch streams up and running, etc. As such we are looking for individuals interested in helping the community to join the Task Force. If you are interested please message me. Task Force is also the fastest way of moving up in XoO to the various positions we offer.
When I have time (which I dont have much of unfortunately now) I can do anything relating to web dev/des. I can also do streaming/youtube stuffs.
I cook a pretty mean bacon-cheese burger. I HAVE NO SKILLS OH GOD WHAT HAVE I DONE WITH MY LIFE ;____;
Doc- Streaming Obsidn - Audio/Visual Editing & 3D Modeling _Tron_ - Drupal/Graphics/JQuery/Python/etc Deaduck - Writer Kinetic Medic - Artist Deadduck - Writer Blasphemy - Graphics/CSS/Video Editing Abdulrapidz - Audio/Vidual Editing Tron what specifically can you do with development? Always looking for more interested PM me or reply in thread!
www.ronaldcrandall.com A little bit of everything pretty much.. Was a linux sys admin for 3 years who did everything from general network stuffs to drupal development. Used to do a lot of game design work when I was younger and played around in Blender. I'm also a professional member of AIGA.
For web development do you dabble in PHP, CSS, Javascript or any programming languages for web development or do you specifically work with things like Drupal?
Depending on what you're looking for Kyoji I can probably help with writing I'm not a blogger, but guides, and color documentary I've got down
I art (The drawing kind) and I can FRAPS. I have streaming setup but not planning on actively using it for anything.
I start off with Drupal and then if I have to custom build anything I got to PHP/CSS/Javascript haha. I feel like if you are a Drupal developer you have to be a programmer . I also was playing around with web.py as I like python a lot.
Photoshop graphics, css (3), pvp videos/editing Here's my last website layout. Taught myself css3 and made it responsive. Picture is of the 320px @media
Thanks for the support everyone. I will be contacting you guys in a bit about what specifically you would be interested in doing. If anyone else wants to join and help please let me know via message or thread.
I have added most everyone to the Task Force. I will do something special for streamers. We will be updating the Staff Online to show more leadership and we will offer a Staff Page that will list the Task Force and perhaps a personal list of skills you offer that people can go to you and ask for work. Work can be posted and held in the Task Force area for ease of access.