After months of taxes and large contributions from our members we finally were able to purchase a house. This is a large accomplishment and wouldn't have been achieved without the hard work and dedication from all of our members. I want to give a special thanks to the following individuals who stayed up late running maps to make this happen as well as those that donated the funds so we could have a house. They will have a one time only Chocobo icon next to them on TS for the rest of the time that they are in XoO. Vander Doc Tsubame Valrow Frizzle Syntax Gilbane Ojebuss Locknar Kuresu Jack Sogetsu Ravnis Arcanmene Kinetic Medic Ashley Zeibel
Congratz. Send me the names in TS and I can get it setup for them. Q can as well as Arimil if you see them on.
Well this explains why I am not longer allowed to have a Chocobo. I want to have nice things...=( Congrats!
This house will be around as long as the FF servers stay up, so XoO now has a permanent monument in the game.
Hm, this looks like second life... Really freaky. But congrats still that's quite a big mansion u guys got here.