1: What are your Steam ID's? I'd love to play with you guys sometime, I need me some more dota buds yup yup. Mine's: http://steamcommunity.com/id/shammysham/ 2: Would anyone be interested in mini-guides for specific heroes? The last time we had a DotA subforum I made a few tiny guides for the equally tiny community we had, and as much as I'd like to just up right make a few up I think gauging interest for them would be a better choice.
1 /DagV2 2 I really want to get into this game but I don't want to start out badly so that would be appreciated.
1. http://steamcommunity.com/id/Kazzier 2. Sure. Its always good to read some one else's take on how to play a hero. Advice is always welcome.
1. IVlancandy (Capitol i and v, lower case L) 2. I am good on the guides, hero guides are difficult since everything does change, and everyone thinks they have the only build you should possibly run on a hero, but numerous builds work, and all are subject to what is happening in game.
1) http://steamcommunity.com/id/soulharvest 2) i have close to 1800 hours played, im fairly familiar with all the heroes.