Xen of Onslaught Roster Information This will be the temporary roster for those interested in playing ESO with XoO. Please reply if you are interested and I will update the OP. Roster: Areli Blasphemy Decoyninja - pre-ordered Doctorie - pre-ordered Enigma - pre-ordered GizmoDuck - pre-ordered Kharma Kyoji Leoben - pre-ordered Mariusz - pre-ordered Noollab - pre-ordered Reinier - pre-ordered Snowman - pre-ordered SS_Hype Stash Trodan Tzepic Utherix - pre-ordered Valindria Xayton Zer0
Is it alright to post if we are not sure yet? There should be a lot of games releasing around the same timeframe so I am not sure just what I will be playing yet. If the answer is yes then sign me up as interested.
I am a potential as well. If it continues to look like Skyrim 2 I will definately get for co-op potential and further gameplay beyond the casual is a maybe.
Ya, as long as folks are interested. It's not really time yet to get super serious but a head count would be nice.
Add me, but it comes down to how closely they make this Skyrim Online as opposed to re-skinned ES IP MMO.
I am looking forward to this game. I'd love to play with XoO (though note my game times are really limited).