If you enjoyed the Game of Thrones books... (yes books - that reading thing). I have just finished an awesome series of books that you may enjoy. http://www.bernardcornwell.net/series/the-saxon-stories/ Vikings, knights etc. etc. It's about the viking invasion of england. And the author does a great job of mirroring real history - but with a seriously awesome story line. As I was reading the books, I came across this... https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=...d=209484870686648628257.000494a84553bf0484941 Some wonderful person took the time to mark off the places mentioned in the books. You can see some of the real castles (some have been kept up, most are ruins now). Anyhoo... I finished all 6 books in under 2 weeks. It's full of blood, gore, war, sex and other yummy goodness. All written in a compelling and very accessible style. Enjoy!
Thank you! And it's good to see you around these parts again. Missed you pretty lady! Hope you're doing well and will be around more.
On a level of 1-10 Blood, gore, war, sex, and yummy... 1 being The Sopranos, 10 being Berserk... were does it fall? And for those less inclined to read books... http://www.free-tv-video-online.me/internet/vikings/ Damn good series, something i would have expected from HBO, NOT THE FUCKING HISTORY CHANNEL
Just about $50 for the set of six e-books - it's not cheap but there's a free sample so I'm going to give it a look for sure.
I dunno what Beserk is - so it's tough to say. Perhaps an 8. It's not gore for the sake of gore. It tends to be story relevant -but where it bloody - he doesn't hold back.
I will definitely be around more. But you should know - I dream about you every night... so at least in my mind, we've never been apart :hot:
Why resist? People dont know whats good for them, and need to be dragged kicking and screaming until they are "enlightened" :bigeyes:
Thanks for the Vikings recommendation. When you say Berserk, do you mean the movies or the anime? I'm not reading the manga.
Why not? They're all free, compiled, and translated (and have been for 20 something years) The anime and the movies just barely cover Berserks prologue (and quite poorly i might add) The anime tells the story of the first arc decently but with terrible visuals and has the biggest cliff hanger ending in the history of... anything The movies tell none of the story and are just pretty visuals for those who know the series. Neither are really recommended. Here, just start at the chronological beginning, boom, easy. http://view.thespectrum.net/series/berserk-volume-01.html?ch=Volume+03&page=174 Cookie if you read up to Donovan and the first image you really didnt want to see... ook:
I haven't read the game of thrones series yet cause I had read somewhere else that the series was not yet finished and is expected to not ever get finished. Had read somewhere else that George Martin even said he had no plans to finish it due to interests in other projects (something he is notorius for). Cant give links to those statements but I know I had read it elsewhere which is why I never started the series. It does look good though. I just wont start a series that isnt finished because I hate waiting for the next book to come out. That 6 book series you linked is it all finished up? I'm Currrently on Book 12 in the Wheel of time series by Robert Jordan. Must read if your into fantasy adventure though it's more geared for adults since it's not really all blood and gore and hack and slash with swords and spells.
It's not finished - but the final book is already complete and will be published in September... of this year. GRRM will finish GoT, he's about halfway through Winds of Winter. He'll finish, but it'll be years before he's done, because the dude doesn't write quickly. Assuming he doesn't die, I'd estimate the GoT series will be done by 2018.