Yeah, I'm going to give it a day or two before I try resuming my playing around in it. Also, for those of you playing already, who didn't know already: If you go to you can access your character sheets, auction house, mailbox and even professions (including starting and completing tasks) all from within a browser (they even have a mobile version for smartphones). I find that to be a pretty fucking neat feature, I have to admit. I haven't seen that anywhere else, before.
Vigilante@Valindrius I am sad I could not have Valindria, but I guess when the main villian is Validra it's hard to get the name I have been using for years.
I am confused with the loot in party play. Some chests seem to close and allow the next person to open but others seem to be all or nothing. Plus gold on the ground. Is that evenly distributed or is it free for all? Anyway I played last night and have a level 6 Rogue and level 4 Cleric. My RL friend group that I play with is talking about switching to this game. I might just put the $60 in and get the perks. I go back and forth on that. I mean $60 for a game is normal so it is weather or not I'll play it long enough.
I've tested this pretty extensively as Zilva has been my leveling partner and we have been to pretty much every area together. Current level 54. The gold is split among your party and obviously loots when you walk over it... but there is the occasional glitch (I assume it is a glitch) where it won't autoloot and you have to use "F" to grab the gold. When you see that happen, you get the total amount and it is not spit, you get it all. I have yet to test this to know if all parties can see the gold, just something I've noticed once or twice. Chests can be either way. They are usually available to everyone in the group but occasionally you will see them just for one person. The only way to tell is to try the chest. I will say there is consistency in the area for what the chests will do. If you find a chest in one instanced area that is single use only, then you will know that finding another ones further in will yield the same result and choose to take turns accordingly. Mostly you can assume everyone will get a shot at the chest though. You will also notice things like large box crates. Crates appear to always be single-use only. They respawn though, just like class kit sites (dungeoneering/thievery/etc).
Really? I thought it was kinda of derivative not horrible but derivative all the same. What did you find superb about it maybe I missed something I admittedly only got level 16 before I stopped.
I am still quite enjoying it. I was a little disappointed they didn't add more Paragon classes, but nevertheless, I find the combat to be fun and even challenging, and I absolutely LOVE the Foundry and the ENDLESS amount of new content it's brought with it. I so so SO hope other developers will steal that idea, and improve it further with their future games. I only just hit 30 yesterday, as I am trying to let a friend from work catch up to me, so I still have some ways to go before I hit end-game, but I really am enjoying it. And I really think it's surprisingly polished and well-optimized considering it's still classified as a beta. There are minor glitches and issues here and there, but I can't find anything game-breaking yet. And then there're these little gems that may seem unimportant, and perhaps they are to many, but they really improve the game by huge amounts in my opinion. Small things like enemy/companion AI when it comes to cliffs and ledges. THEY ACTUALLY KNOW HOW TO JUMP UP AND DOWN. Mind = BLOWN!
I was 60 two days after open beta opened up. I'm in full epic gear with 2 mil. AD. End-game is WoW BC. If you didn't like WoW BC I don't suggest playing this game. The foundry is amazing and combat is solid. I love D&D and they successfully made it into an MMO. The only con is that the game is F2P and perfect world is a terrible company. The servers go down quite more than I would like, but if this was subscription based, and it could have been, I'm betting the servers would be much more competent.
Took you 2 days to get to 60? Or just hit 60 after it went open? Cause I played a few hours solo getting into the early teens but don't think I could hit max in 2 days cause I'm probably doing it wrong lol. I'm trying to like this game, but I just can't get into it. Considering I just hit the teens I really need to put some more time into it until I make a sound judgment.
It takes about 30 hours to hit max level, but founders have done it in 20. That is because the mount they get decreases the amount of travel by so much.
We already have nearly a dozen people playing this, we usualy seem to play up in my league of legends channel. We have around 8 people playing it at night all the time. We all play on the dragon server.