Planetside 2 ApplicationHow old are you? 18 Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a microphone? Yes Do you understand that Teamspeak usage is required at ALL times? Yes In-Game Name? I can't recall 100% it's either, schlockman or gugabalog. The best way I could think of to get myself back into the game was to join a coordinated grouop Why did you choose XoO? I was invited by Phoenixdog back during closed beta on planetside universe, because he liked my threads on theoretical tactics. Localization: North America Activity level? I don't keep track. I play more when I'm in an organized group though What are your normal play times? (be general ex 6pm -10pm) When I'm awake and have free time? Which isn't consistent because of work etc. If theres a operation time to be on at I'll definitely be on then. What is your favorite class to play? I play infantry primarily, like most, (meaning I'm not exactly a dedicated tanker or pilot) but I tend towards engineer, medic, heavy, and light assault depending on the curernt situation. Light for indoors, heavy for outdoors, medic for heavy combat etc What is your favorite vehicle to use? Scythe You’re standing at a Sunderer, an enemy tank approaches over the nearest hiiltop. What do you do? Use proximity to say GTFO GTFO! jump in and gun the turrets. If the turrets are full, I attempt to distract the tank, kamikazeeing if necessary. You’re standing at a Sunderer, an enemy air-unit approaches in the distance. What do you do? Ignore it until it presents a clear and present danger in order to not alert them to the presence of the sunderer. In your opinion, which vehicle is most important to the game? Sunderer. Logistics is everything. In your opinion, which class is most important to the game? Light assault, they keep the enemy guessing and can bypass chokes, and flank elevated positions. Which of these traits most accuratly reflects your approach to gaming. Structured Casual What type of Outfit are you looking for? Competitive Structured Casual Do you have a referral? Phoenixdog, but that was awhile back. How did you hear about XoO? Planetside Universe.
Phoenixdog? Holy crap that WAS a while back. What took you so long? Anyhow, hopefully he didnt teach you how to fly..... The next step in the application process will be for you to get onto our Teamspeak server and then hop into game with us. Once you're in-game We'll get you an Outfit invite and set you to recruit status. After a few play sessions we'll complete the interview process and you'll become a full member. I've PM'd you the information for our Teamspeak server, log in and look for one of our Planetside 2 Command Team, any of whom should be able to help you further. Command Team: Daibar, imb0r3d, Paramecium, Scarr, Eska, Prime, LordRegis, SpartanZero (WeaponZero), Kyoji, 660/12, Q