necropha's Application

Discussion in 'Denied Applications' started by necropha, Jan 7, 2013.

  1. necropha

    Jan 7, 2013
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    Guild Wars 2 Application
    How old are you?
    In-Game Name?
    Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a working microphone?
    What kind of content do you prefer to play and why?
    What type of content do you want to play with XoO and how well do you think you will be able to work as a team to achieve it?
    I'd like to participate in regular tourneys. Preferably paid tourneys as I'd like to advance in PVP aspects of GW2 - I'm not interested in the grind of PVE. WvW isn't very interesting to me either, but the structured pvp is where I'd like to advance my skills.

    Working as a team should not be an issue. I'm very good at taking feedback and working with others to make a good comp. I'm sure I can learn a few things and provide others a few tricks as well.

    I'd really like to be on a team that plays regularly and is fairly competitive. I'm pvp rank 41 now. I consider my condi necro my "main", but I run a d/d ele, bunker guardian, dps guardian or theif as needed. I'm willing to play any of those classes/roles for the team.
    What top five games have influenced you the most?
    WoW - I played from vanilla through Lich King. We started small in vanilla and didn't raid much at all, just a few friends. The next expac we ran Kara regularly, but didn't finish all the content. We really got our stride in Lich king and even downed 10 man Sarth 3D. That took a LOT of team work and honesty with each other to accomplish. Fun game.

    Starcraft II - I never really played RTS too much, but this one just pulled me in. I made diamond in 2s and 4s. It got a bit repatitive though.

    Pinball (yea, may not count - but I restore them and love playing some pin!) So relaxing and fun. That silver ball lets me get in the zone. Gaming in the purest sense!

    Street Fighter II(again, not sure if that counts - but I've played the hell outta that game!) This game really started my competitive gaming experience. 1v1 right next to each other. Can't beat that.

    Rift - I really didn't like that game that much, but the guild i was in was great. I learned a lot about how to take in new people and get them up to speed. I don't play anymore, but it was a great experience.
    What guilds have you played with?
    I've only been in one guild in gw2 (SSP - Seahorse Seashell Party). This was with friends. I didn't plan on playing the game much at all, but really liked the pvp and want to continue in a more structured/competitive guild.
    What attracts you to this guild more than others?
    This post:

    Very well thought out. It impressed me. I was searching for guilds to join and this stood out as mature and organized.
    What about this guild suits your personality?
    Sounds like this is mostly mature players that still know how to have a bit of fun. The post on the gw2 forums sounded like something I would write myself. It just resonated well!
    What will you contribute to the guild?
    Hopefully I can bring some experience while still learning. I'm pretty competitive, but also very laid back. I tend to work well in teams (professionally and as a gamer) and I'm not afraid to provide or accept feedback.

    I also like the fun of a guild community. I'd like to be able to add to that fun :)
    Do you play on North American servers or European servers?
    If so, enter the name of the person who referred you to XoO, otherwise leave this blank.
    A little bit about yourself?
    I'm a 36yo software engineer. I own my own software company and live in detroit. Moving to CO next year. I like to game, but keep it limited to one or two at a time so I can really invest in what I'm playing.

    I don't like to grind. I don't like to kill 10 green spiders to get venom sacs to get 1000xp. I do like to spvp and push my limits on making builds for my characters. I'm a numbers guy and try to eek out every last bit of potential out of my characters.

    I have a dog and an old pickup. I'm a simple guy :)

    Thanks for the opportunity!
    How much time will you play per week, on average?
    Do you have a high speed internet connection and a good computer? Can your computer and connection handle large battles in WvW?
    Have you applied to the GW2 usergroup?
  2. renji1337

    Oct 15, 2012
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    Upstate, NY