2012 Annual XoO Awards Thank you for participating in the XoOAwards. Over the past few weeks we have received many nominations for hundreds of people and we now have the final nomination scores posted below. Next year the awards will begin again so post around, get to know others and be a dedicated and respectful XoO member and you will have a shot at the 2013 XoOAwards! We decided to award those that tied with the award so you may notice a few extra winners per category. Remember, EVERYONE who participated and nominated others will receive a participation award for 2012. If your name is listed and you do not have the respective award please contact me and I will look into it. I edited the number of people who could win to be either higher or lower in order for more variety in the results. I reserve this right because I am awesome. Thank you. This was posted early because I plan to be very very drunk on the 1st of Jan. =P Awards will be handed out over the next few days. This all takes time. Adding up everyone all by myself was torment enough so please be patient. The award breakdown will hold the entire list of those nominated and those who won so you can see who was nominated or if you were nominated. To view the award breakdown click here! Global Awards In order to make a nomination you must be a member of XoO for at least 2+ months. All nominees must be a member of XoO for at least 2+ months. You cannot nominate yourself. Most contributive member of 2012 (list up to 10) (includes recruitment, posting a wealth of information, donating to the guild, or contributing to the guild in any form.) Kyoji (22) Daibar (7) Doc (6) Dullard (15) Kharma (6) Miir (12) Q (27) Thaisha (13) TheBerch (6) Vangelis (6) Xrated (6) Favorite leader of 2012 (list up to 4) (can be from any game supported or once supported including Admin/Xenate/CO/XO/Officers. List the game with the member.) Dullard (13) Q (7) Thaisha (8) Xrated (10) r3d3 (6) TheBerch (6) Terand (6) Beorr (6) Favorite poster of 2012 (list up to 8) (your favorite posters of 2012) Doc (6) Kyoji (7) Dullard (5) PersonalRiot (6) Vangelis (6) Xrated (4) Sokar (6) Adeline (3) Decoyninja (3) Doctorie (3) Fear the Amish (3) Kazzier (3) Kragden (3) Miir (3) Owainn (3) Rubius (3) Best overall recruit of 2012 (list up to 6) (your favorite recruits of 2012) Beorr (4) Fear the Amish (6) Kragden (5) Stormflurry (8) Syri (5) Xrated (4) Borringo (3) Popularity award of 2012 (list up to 6) (individuals you enjoy the most for 2012) Kharma (6) Dullard (7) Kyoji (10) Q (11) Sokar (8) Thaisha (5) Vangelis (5) Kaganda (5) Doc (5) Top Posters award of 2012 (list up to 6) (individuals who stay active and post the most for 2012) Deconyninja (6) Doc (4) Kyoji (4) PersonalRiot (5) Thaisha (4) Vangelis (5) Helpful Posters award of 2012 (list up to 6) (individuals who you find to be the most helpful for 2012) Enigma1987 (10) Dullard (5) Meemo (4) Miir (4) Daibar (3) Doctorie (3) Doxy (3) Q (3) Sogetsu (3) __________________________________________________ Division Awards In order to make a nomination you must be a part of the division you are planning to nominate in for at least 2+ months (beta/alpha counts). All nominees must be a part of the division you are nominating in for at least 2+ months (beta/alpha counts). You cannot nominate for yourself. Division-Specific Awards (TERA EU) Exemplary (TERA EU) member of 2012 (list up to 4) (includes recruitment, posting a wealth of information or helpful threads, helping in-game, answering questions, donating to the division) Thaisha (6) Nish (3) Rome (3) XRated (3) Favorite (TERA EU) leader of 2012 (list only 1) (includes CO/XO/Officers) Thaisha (6) Most active (TERA EU) member of 2012 (list up to 2) (either on the forums or in-game) Thaisha (3) Rome (2) Adeline (2) XRated (2) Best new (TERA EU) recruit of 2012 (list only 1) (limited to members with a join date of 2012) Rome (2) Senses (2) Division-Specific Awards (League of Legends) Exemplary (League of Legends) member of 2012 (list up to 4) (includes recruitment, posting a wealth of information or helpful threads, helping in-game, answering questions, donating to the division) Ronin (1) Gardy11590 (1) TheBerch (1) PersonalRiot (1) MrOng (1) Numantia (1) Denmyx (1) Zero Abyss (1) Bogatyr (1) Shammy (1) Favorite (League of Legends) leader of 2012 (list only 1) (includes CO/XO/Officers) TheBerch (3) Most active (League of Legends) member of 2012 (list up to 3) (either on the forums or in-game) Ronin (3) Gardy11590 (1) MrOng (1) Numantia (1) Bogatyr (1) Troll (1) Best new (League of Legends) recruit of 2012 (list only 1) (limited to members with a join date of 2012) MrOng (1) Bogatyr (1) Division-Specific Awards (FPS Division) Exemplary (FPS) member of 2012 (list up to 2) (includes recruitment, posting a wealth of information or helpful threads, helping in-game, answering questions, donating to the division) Bishop (1) Most active (FPS) member of 2012 (list up to 2) (either on the forums or in-game) Squril (1) Division-Specific Awards (WoW Sargeras) Exemplary (WoW Sargeras) member of 2012 (list up to 2) (includes recruitment, posting a wealth of information or helpful threads, helping in-game, answering questions, donating to the division) Kaganda (4) rhastan (5) Pala (2) Ledbombadil (2) Kuulin (4) Favorite (WoW Sargeras) leader of 2012 (list only 1) (includes CO/XO/Officers) Ledbombadil (3) r3d3 (3) Most active (WoW Sargeras) member of 2012 (list up to 2) (either on the forums or in-game) Ledbombadil (2) rhastan (7) Eillwyna (2) Kuulin (3) Division-Specific Awards (WoW EU) Exemplary (WoW EU) member of 2012 (list up to 3) (includes recruitment, posting a wealth of information or helpful threads, helping in-game, answering questions, donating to the division) Stormflurry (8) XRated (8) Kragden (6) Syri (6) Adeline (4) Favorite (WoW EU) leader of 2012 (list only 1) (includes CO/XO/Officers) XRated (6) Kragden (5) Most active (WoW EU) member of 2012 (list up to 2) (either on the forums or in-game) XRated (5) Syri (4) Kragden (4) Adeline (3) Best new (WoW EU) recruit of 2012 (list only 3) (limited to members with a join date of 2012) Stormflurry (8) Syri (6) Borringo (3) Kragden (3) Division-Specific Awards (Planetside 2) Exemplary (Planetside 2) member of 2012 (list up to 4) (includes recruitment, posting a wealth of information or helpful threads, helping in-game, answering questions, donating to the division) Fear the Amish (6) Dullard (6) Miir (6) imb0r3d (6) Eskara (4) Daibar (3) Prime (2) Q (2) Senses (2) Favorite (Planetside 2) leader of 2012 (list only 2) (includes CO/XO/Officers/Squad Leaders) Dullard (12) Fear the Amish (7) Most active (Planetside 2) member of 2012 (list up to 3) (either on the forums or in-game) Eskara (4) Dullard (5) Utherix (3) Zilva (3) Daibar (2) Sogetsu (2) decoyninja (2) Best new (Planetside 2) recruit of 2012 (list up to 5) (limited to members with a join date of 2012) Fear the Amish (7) Booms (5) Taii (4) Leoben (4) Utherix (3) Tapewormmarine (2) xPunge (2) Robstr (2) Division-Specific Awards (Guild Wars 2) Exemplary (Guild Wars 2) member of 2012 (list up to 4) (includes recruitment, posting a wealth of information or helpful threads, helping in-game, answering questions, donating to the division) Klocknov (4) Makoto (3) Meemo (4) Yawn (3) Beorr (4) renji1337 (2) Rune (2) Doc (2) Zilva (2) Favorite (Guild Wars 2[FONT=Calibri]) leader of 2012 (list only 2)[/FONT] (includes CO/XO/Officers) Ironjaw (4) Klocknov (4) [FONT=Calibri]Most active ([/FONT][SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]Guild Wars 2[/FONT][/SIZE][B][SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]) member of 2012 (list up to 3)[/FONT][/SIZE][/B] (either on the forums or in-game) Renji1337 (4) Makoto (3) Beorr (3) Rune (2) Ophi (2) Klocknov (2) Doc (2) [B][SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]Best new ([/FONT][/SIZE][/B][COLOR=#800080][B][SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]Guild Wars 2[/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR][B][COLOR=#800080][B][SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]) recruit of 2012 (list up to 4)[/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] [FONT=Calibri](limited to members with a join date of 2012) [/FONT][/B]Makoto (5) Yawn (3) Star Player (2) renji1337 (2)[B][FONT=Calibri] [/FONT][B][COLOR=LemonChiffon][B][SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri][U]Division-Specific Awards (Star Wars:TOR)[/U][/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#800080][B][SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]Exemplary (Star Wars:TOR) member of 2012 (list up to 4)[/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] [FONT=Calibri](includes recruitment, posting a wealth of information or helpful threads, helping in-game, answering questions, donating to the division) [/FONT][/B][/B]Gruune (4) Owainn (3) Terand (2) Kharma (2) Sogetsu (3) Vangelis (2) [B][B] [COLOR=#800080][B][SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]Favorite ([/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR][B][COLOR=#800080][B][SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]Star Wars:TOR[/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR][B][COLOR=#800080][B][SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]) leader of 2012 (list only 2)[/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] [FONT=Calibri](includes CO/XO/Officers) [/FONT][/B][/B][/B][/B]Terand (6) Gruune (3) [B][B][B][B] [COLOR=#800080][B][SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]Most active ([/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR][B][COLOR=#800080][B][SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]Star Wars:TOR[/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR][B][COLOR=#800080][B][SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]) member of 2012 (list up to 3)[/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] [FONT=Calibri](either on the forums or in-game) [/FONT][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B]Gruune (6) Zechs (3) Owainn (3) Terand (2) Zilva (2) Kuulin (2) [B][B][B][B][B][B] [COLOR=#800080][B][SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]Best new ([/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR][B][COLOR=#800080][B][SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]Star Wars:TOR[/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR][B][COLOR=#800080][B][SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]) recruit of 2012 (list up to 1)[/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] [FONT=Calibri](limited to members with a join date of 2012) [/FONT][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B]Wafflebot (2)[B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][FONT=Calibri] [/FONT][B][FONT=Calibri] [/FONT][B][COLOR=LemonChiffon][B][SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri][U]Division-Specific Awards (Diablo 3)[/U][/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#800080][B][SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]Exemplary (Diablo 3) member of 2012 (list up to 3)[/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] [FONT=Calibri](includes recruitment, posting a wealth of information or helpful threads, helping in-game, answering questions, donating to the division) [/FONT][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B]Kharma (2) Jarien Doxy The Berch Owainn Coulditbe Kazzier [B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B] [COLOR=#800080][B][SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]Most active ([/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR][B][COLOR=#800080][B][SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]Diablo 3[/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR][B][COLOR=#800080][B][SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]) member of 2012 (list up to 2)[/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] [FONT=Calibri](either on the forums or in-game) [/FONT][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B]Kharma (2) Owainn Jarien The Berch[B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B] [B][COLOR=LemonChiffon][B][SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri][U]Division-Specific Awards (Dota 2)[/U][/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#800080][B][SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]Exemplary (Dota 2) member of 2012 (list up to 2)[/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] [FONT=Calibri](includes recruitment, posting a wealth of information or helpful threads, helping in-game, answering questions, donating to the division) [/FONT][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B]PersonalRiot Shammy (2) [B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B] [COLOR=#800080][B][SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]Most active ([/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR][B][COLOR=#800080][B][SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]Dota 2[/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR][B][COLOR=#800080][B][SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]) member of 2012 (list up to 1)[/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] [FONT=Calibri](either on the forums or in-game) [/FONT][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B]Shammy (2)[B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][FONT=Calibri] [/FONT][B][COLOR=LemonChiffon][B][SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri][U]Division-Specific Awards (Starcraft 2)[/U][/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#800080][B][SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]Exemplary (Starcraft 2) member of 2012 (list up to 4)[/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] [FONT=Calibri](includes recruitment, posting a wealth of information or helpful threads, helping in-game, answering questions, donating to the division) [/FONT][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B]Shammy Enigma1987[B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][FONT=Calibri] [/FONT][B][COLOR=LemonChiffon][B][SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri][U]Division-Specific Awards (Minecraft)[/U][/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#800080][B][SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]Exemplary (Minecraft) member of 2012 (list up to 2)[/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] [FONT=Calibri](includes recruitment, posting a wealth of information or helpful threads, helping in-game, answering questions, donating to the division) [/FONT][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B]The Communist Secksy Q (3) Vankras (2) Kyoji Lailana Enigma1987[B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][FONT=Calibri] [/FONT] Here is a condensed list by user rather than by game so you can see who got the most awards and then proceed to wave your epeen around and smack people with it. [/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B]Adeline - Favorite Poster, Most Active (TERA EU), Exemplary Member (WoW EU), Most Active (WoW EU) Beorr - Favorite Leader, Best Overall Recruit, Exemplary Member (GW2), Most Active (GW2) Bishop - Exemplary Member (FPS) Bogatyr - Exemplary Member (LoL), Most Active (LoL), Best New Recruit (LoL) Booms - Best New Recruit (PS2) Borringo - Best Overall Recruit, Best New Recruit (WoW EU) Coulditbe - Exemplary Member (D3) Daibar - Most Contributive Member, Helpful Poster, Exemplary Member (PS2), Most Active (PS2) Decoyninja - Favorite Poster, Most Active (PS2) Denmyx - Exemplary Member (LoL) Doc - Most Contributive Member, Favorite Poster, Popularity Award, Top Poster, Exemplary Member (GW2), Most Active (GW2) Doctorie - Favorite Poster, Helpful Poster Doxy - Helpful Poster, Exemplary Member (D3) Dullard - Most Contributive Member, Favorite Leader, Favorite Poster, Popularity Award, Helpful Poster, Exemplary Member (PS2), Favorite Leader (PS2), Most Active (PS2) Eillwyna - Most Active (WoW NA) Enigma1987 - Helpful Poster, Exemplary Member (SC2), Exemplary Member (Minecraft) Eskara - Exemplary Member (PS2), Most Active (PS2) Fear the Amish - Favorite Poster, Best Overall Recruit, Exemplary Member (PS2), Favorite Leader (PS2), Best New Recruit (PS2) Gardy11590 - Exemplary Member (LoL), Most Active (LoL) Gruune - Exemplary Member (SWTOR), Favorite Leader (SWTOR), Most Active (SWTOR) Imb0r3d - Exemplary Member (PS2) Ironjaw - Favorite Leader (GW2) Jarien - Exemplary Member (D3) Kaganda - Popularity Award, Exemplary Member (WoW NA) Kazzier - Favorite Poster, Exemplary Member (D3) Kharma - Most Contributive Member, Popularity Award, Exemplary Member (SWTOR), Exemplary Member (D3), Most Active (D3) Klocknov - Exemplary Member (GW2), Favorite Leader (GW2), Most Active (GW2) Kragden - Favorite Poster, Best Overall Recruit, Exemplary Member (WoW EU), Favorite Leader (WoW EU), Most Active (WoW EU) Kuulin - Exemplary Member (WoW NA), Most Active (WoW NA), Most Active (SWTOR) Kyoji - Most Contributive Member, Favorite Poster, Popularity Award, Top Poster, Exemplary Member (Minecraft) Ledbombadil - Exemplary Member (WoW NA), Favorite Leader (WoW NA), Most Active (WoW NA) Leoben - Best New Recruit Makoto - Exemplary Member (GW2), Most Active (GW2), Best New Recruit (GW2) Meemo - Helpful Poster, Exemplary Member (GW2) Miir - Most Contributive Member, Favorite Poster, Helpful Poster, Exemplary Member (PS2) MrOng - exemplary Member (LoL), Most Active (LoL), Best New Recruit (LoL) Nish - Exemplary Member (TERA EU) Numantia - Exemplary Member (LoL), Most Active (LoL) Ophi - Most Active (GW2) Owainn - Favorite Poster, Exemplary Member (SWTOR), Most Active (SWTOR), Exemplary Member (D3), Most Active (D3) Pala - Exemplary Member (WoW NA) PersonalRiot - Favorite Poster, Top Poster, Exemplary Member (LoL), Exemplary Member (Dota 2) Prime - Exemplary Member (PS2) Q - Most Contributive Member, Favorite Leader, Popularity Award, Helpful Poster, Exemplary Member (PS2), Exemplary Member (Minecraft) r3d3 - Favorite Leader, Favorite Leader (WoW NA) renji1337 - Exemplary Member (GW2), Most Active (GW2), Best New Recruit (GW2) rhastan - Exemplary Member (WoW NA), Most Active (WoW NA) Robstr - best New Recruit (PS2) Rome - Exemplary Member (TERA EU), Most Active (TERA EU), Best New Recruit (TERA EU) Ronin - Exemplary Member (LoL), Most Active (LoL) Rubius - Favorite Poster Rune - Exemplary Member (GW2), Most Active (GW2) Secksy - Exemplary Member (Minecraft) Senses - Best New Recruit (TERA EU), Exemplary Member (PS2) Shammy - Exemplary Member (LoL), Exemplary Member (Dota 2), Most Active (Dota 2), Exemplary Member (SC2) Sogetsu - Helpful Poster, Exemplary Member (SWTOR), Most Active (PS2) Sokar - Favorite Poster, Popularity Award Squirl - Most Active (FPS) Star Player - Best New Recruit (GW2) Stormflurry - Best Overall Recruit, Exemplary Member (WoW EU), Best New Recruit (WoW EU) Syri - Best Overall Recruit, Exemplary Member (WoW EU), Most Active (WoW EU), Best New Recruit (WoW EU) Taii - Best New Recruit (PS2) Tapwwormmarine - Best New Recruit (PS2) Terand - Favorite Leader, Exemplary Member (SWTOR), Favorite Leader (SWTOR), Most Active (SWTOR) Thaisha - Most Contributive Member, Favorite Leader, Popularity Award, Top Poster, Exemplary Member (TERA EU), Favorite Leader (TERA EU), Most Active (TERA EU) TheBerch - Most Contributive Member, Favorite Leader, Exemplary Member (LoL), Favorite Leader (LoL), Exemplary Member (D3), Most Active (D3) TheCommunist - Exemplary Member (Minecraft) Troll - Most Active (LoL) Utherix - Most Active (PS2), Best New Recruit (PS2) Vangelis - Most Contributive Member, Favorite Poster, Popularity Award, Top Poster, Exemplary Member (SWTOR) Vankras - Exemplary Member (Minecraft) Wafflebot - Best New Recruit (SWTOR) xPunge - Best New Recruit (PS2) XRated - Most Contributive Member, Favorite Leader, Favorite Poster, Best Overall Recruit, Exemplary Member (TERA EU), Most Active (TERA EU), Exemplary Member (WoW EU), Favorite Leader (WoW EU), Most Active (WoW EU) Yawn - Exemplary Member (GW2), Best New Recruit (GW2) Zechs - Most Active (SWTOR) Zero Abyss - Exemplary Member (LoL) Zilva - Most Active (SWTOR), Exemplary Member (GW2), Most Active (PS2)
Handed out the winning awards. Participation awards i'll get to tomorrow or today depending on where you live. I was unable to find these people: Denmyx Nish Robstr Rome Senses Syri Zero Abyss Please let me know of the correct forum account to apply these awards onto. Thank you. If you are missing an award let me know.
Well done everyone, also a big hats off to Kyoji for once again organising this event. This one goes out to you man: