Planetside 2 ApplicationHow old are you? 25 Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a microphone? Yes Do you understand that Teamspeak usage is required at ALL times? Yes In-Game Name? NoollabII Why did you choose XoO? I used to roll with XoO in PlanetSide, and remember having tons of fun there :> Localization: Europe Activity level? 15-20 Do you have a high speed internet connection and a good computer? Yes What is your favorite class to play? Primarily Engineer, secondarily Combat Medic What is your favorite vehicle to use? Magrider You’re standing at a Sunderer, an enemy tank approaches over the nearest hiiltop. What do you do? Switch to Heavy Assault and start launcing my lazer-ball-rockets at the bastard. Maybe when they buff the MAX units, I might pick a MAX over Heavy Assault if it's off cooldown. :> You’re standing at a Sunderer, an enemy fighter approaches in the distance. What do you do? the Vanu AA MAX seems to shred fighters, so I'd definitely go with that if it's off cooldown. Otherwise, I'd probably warn people so someone else could take care of it! In your opinion, which vehicle is most important to the game? Definitely Galaxy. The ability to cross difficult terrain with multiple guns and then deploy a mobile spawn point is just golden. In your opinion, which class is most important to the game? Difficult to answer. Medics and Engineers are both essential -- one to keep people alive, the other to keep people shooting. Assault classes, are good for front-line infantry and Infiltrators are superb at general suppressing fire. Which of these traits most accuratly reflects your approach to gaming. Hardcore Competitive Structured What type of Outfit are you looking for? Structured Do you have a referral? Can I put myself? How did you hear about XoO? I used to be in it!
The next step in the application process will be for you to get onto our Teamspeak server and then hop into game with us. Once you're in-game We'll get you an Outfit invite and set you to recruit status. After a few play sessions we'll complete the interview process and you'll become a full member. I've PM'd you the information for our Teamspeak server, log in and look for one of our Planetside 2 Officers, any of whom should be able to help you further. Officers: Dullard, Miir, FearTheAmish, Q, Sokar, imb0r3d, Prime, Eskara.
Be sure to check out our PS2 forums for more information. Community: PlanetSide 2 Introductions! Stop in and say hello! Planetside 2 Requirements TEAMSPEAK IS REQUIRED AT ALL TIMES! Game information: PS2 Roster Division Policies - Please Read Accepted.