So we have had a few people come into the DayZ channel in teamspeak mention how they didnt know we had a DayZ group. Well we do. We have an active, thriving, and growing dayz group in the FPS division. A few neat 'features' of this first person zombie survival game are perma death, server localized time and weather, and PvEvP. In this game you need to be on the lookout for both other survivors, and zombies. So come join us sometime. Below is the trailer for the game. Its actually a really good trailer.
My only hesitation has been actually paying for another game -- but the DayZ channel is one of the more active groups, and given that I love the FPS division members, I might just consider this..
its very fun. its amazing how a game can elicit such emotion from the players the way this one does. such rage, anger, and grief.
I was on the verge of picking it up but with my work schedule I am unable to play with everyone else sadly.
Lots of fun so far. I will say it is realistic to the point it too me an hour to figure out what the fuck I was doing. I've got the hang of the basics now.
I had a stint with Dayz a while back- it can be very compelling, but it's currently being ruined by hackers. Just be aware, there is a fair chance you will be instantly killed by someone with full vision of everyone's location- it might be worth looking for entirely empty servers (this happened to me on a server with 6 people on it- got shot while standing still in the middle of the night!)