Guild Wars 2 ApplicationHow old are you? 30 In-Game Name? Mibu Kyu Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a mic? Yes What is your prefered playstyle? Both What kinds of activities are you interested in? Mostly WvWvW and SPvP, but I like to do PvE on the side as well. Previous Gaming Experience: Played GW1 with XoO and have played a lot of RPG type based games as well as mmorpg PvP based games. Why did you choose XoO: I used to be in XoO with Moskel in GW1, and was looking for a guild to play with for GW2. Idk if he or anyone else from that time are still around, but if they are then hey... Why do you think you'll be a good fit? I had a blast playing GW1 with XoO before, and figured I would do it again. Localization: NA Do you have a referral? Anyone that was in GW1 wwith me before... It has been awhile. A little bit about yourself? Well I like to play a lot of RPG and mmorpg type based games. I like table top games such as D&D and Warhammer. All around just like to have a good time and PvP as well as PvE. Activity level? 20 - 30 Do you have a high speed internet connection and a good computer? Yes Have you applied to the GW2 usergroup? Yes
Hey Mibu Kyu. Did you ever go by just Kyu? We were talking about a guy who also played CoH with us? Also, sending you a PM.
I did, and I forgot to mention that I played CoH with XoO along time ago, old memories. I can be on sometime tomorrow around 8-9 EST if that is ok for TS?
Yeah, that's cool, and if you are that Kyu - the one who went on to lead RFO, then you pretty much are in. Also, you should know me.