Check out our new trailer and download the new demo. Also please I would love for everyone in XoO to vote for us on Greenlight. Thanks Commy
I downloaded the demo about a week ago, it was really fun. I really love levels... err, (16 and 17 I think) the level where you have the giant drops and there is a shit ton of red objects. If you jump juuust right you can land on the platform below without having to grapple a single thing. Idea for a second game "Jumpple". royalties pl0x
Ya we have a new demo now with time trial mode and collectables to get. Plus we changed some levels around. In the trailer you can see we are working on cannons and chasers. We are adding more levels with tons of red for sure.
Voted, this is a really fun game, i'd buy it for sure! I like the level with tons of red objects scattered around, i spent 20 minutes just going back and fourth grappling between them. I like to find alternative ways to complete the levels, too.