Planetside 2 ApplicationHow old are you? 30 In-Game Name? Omimace Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a mic? Yes Why did you choose XoO: Originally joined the Tera division with some fellow gamers. We were looking for a friendly Guild that could offer us all we needed for end game content and have plenty of other friendly like minded individuals to go hunt with. Have enjoyed my time with the Tera division and will continue to play and support the team, I will also be playing Planetside 2 (already got my VIP Beta access woot!) I thought to myself that I needed a Group of peeps to play with like the ones in the Tera division so I started asking out Xen's Planetside 2 division. Instantly liked what I was hearing and chose to submit an application. So far enjoyed my time with XoO and as I will be playing both PS2 and Tera I look forward to hopefully being part of XoO on both games. Previous Gaming Experience: Seriously huge I spend far too much time gaming ever sonce I was a kid and got my hands on the old Atari 2000 with the odd joystick and clunky cassetts. Played most things since then mainly on PC but have owned all consoles I can think of except a PS3 it never grabbed me for some reason. It much easier to talk about gaming history as it is so extensive but for the relevance of PS2 I have played the classics Counter Strike, Quake, Unreal Tournament games, Doom all the way through to Battlefield Games, Call of Duty games except the latest one it never grabbed me. Of course experienced PS1 briefly but I got in and it had been running nearly 10 years already so missed the good old days from what I here. What will you contribute to the guild? Fun and friendly player able to run with groups to meet guild goals whenever I get the chance. Dedicated. Spend lots amount of my time gaming and still wish I had more time. I not much of a leader but a sound soldier/henchmen that gets things done from action packed moments to crafting to farming anything to help grow the guild to become one of the best if not the best. Localization: EU Do you have a referral? Think Lailana mentioned me. A little bit about yourself? From Birmingham England, Husband and father of three who often run with me in games but the comp dead at the moment need to save to rebuild it. Work as Project Support in the National Health Service for a group of hospitals in the city. Wishes I would win the Euro lottery so I could pack in work and spend even more time gaming. Always on TS willing to help advise or just chat. Not much of a leader but as great at helping in support. Like I said Always on TS need to know anything or anymore just give us a shout. I listed as Novacron when playing Tera as some guildies get confused otherwise. Activity level? A hell of a lot with a bit of variation ie got three kids but I would say over 20hours a week easy. Do you have a high speed internet connection and a good computer? Yes Have you applied to the Planetside 2 usergroup? Yes
Thank you for filling out another application. Can't wait for us to all get into Planetside2. Processed and ACCEPTED.