Planetside 2 is rapidly approaching it's external beta phase, and to commemorate it's imminent launch the Planetside community has designated Sunday July 1st as our "PlanetSide Day" event. All former players and Outfits are invited to join in for one last hurrah. Xen of Onslaught will be making our presence known on Auraxis once again! Please visit our Planetside Division forums for more information as it develops and feel free to hop in to the Planetside channel on Teamspeak during the event. To show support and to promote this event, SOE and the Planetside 2 developers are offering 30 days of free game time to all previous Planetside players. June 2012 PlanetSide 2 Producer’s COMM LINK – BETA Also, be sure to sign up for the Planetside 2 BETA!
Alright everyone. If you have ever held a Planetside account we are calling on you to join us. Lets give this game the game that spawned this amazing community that I have had the pleasure of serving for the past 9 years a fair well it deserves!
Agreed! This means EVERYONE!!!! Hey it's free so take some time, hop in game, and discover your roots. Take at least ONE day, July 1st, to step away from Aion, DIII, TERA, WOW, SWTOR, LOL, MOBA, BF3, MTGO, HKIA, etc. and support XoO Proper, the community itself, not just your division. This will be a great event and a fun time for all, not to mention memories and the ability to participate in a true "End Game" event.
why would you pick Canada day!? I hope you gents have fun for around that time I will be probably to drunk to realize whats going on.
The farewell video and parade. The video is awesomely nostalgic, and the ending is great (It's 7 mins, from 3:40 to 10:40). START FROM 3:40 START FROM 3:40 START FROM 3:40