TERA (EU) ApplicationHow old are you? 19 In-Game Name? Sparky Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a mic? Yes What is your primary class? Slayer What are you looking for in a community/guild and how do you feel XoO will forfill your needs What im looking at in a guild first of all, How friendly they are, How they behave. Skill level, I was in random group with some of Xoo, in fok hm and they were a really happy bunch! most guild groups is often very cocky in themselves and do not wish to either speak to randoms, But while I was in party with xoo they gladly took me in with open arms! why do you think you will fit in on your previous awnser I try to behave as much as I can Towards every1. and want to be a part of a great community, And what i can contribute to the guild is im always Gladly to help anyone that needs help with either bams / groups, alt anything. What is your focus on in the game politics I dont really care that much about it, and PVP / PVE wise, I love them both, Maybe if i should pick 1 of these I would say pve. Are we the first guild you join in this game No, First I was in Aesir a Swedish Norwegian guild, at the start of Tera we were about 100 people playing, but within 1 month people left tera, so it was 10 active players online of 100. so I decided to leave them. Link us your Glyph build using the glyph builder and explain wy you picked those glyphs http://teracodex.com/glyphbuilder#sl60:000010000010100100000010000001000000000000001100000000000001 You may wonder why I picked Combo attack glyph with speed, or startling kick to increase heart thrust speed, and headlong rush CD, 1. combo attack, I usually dont go oom in dungeons with infused charm. but if I do, i use combo attacks and then perhaps i get the speed from glyph, or when i dont have any damaging spells left i use combo attacks within the rotation, 2. and Startling kick speed, if i use Startling kick > headlong rush my hearthrust ability is cast Instantly, i use it with my rotation, 3. Headlong rush Does that my abilitys is casted 30% faster, thats why i glyphed it Cooldown. Previous Gaming Experience: mmorpgs: Anarchy online, Warhammer, Wow, Rift, aion, Swotr, Age of connan, lotro, and probably more Cant remember. the most experienced game Ive been in must be wow 6 years total, and warhammer. What is your activity level? 40-45 Depends on my work scheduel When will your activity level be the highest Weekends Friday - Saturday - Sunday Do you have a referral? Rome, Gibora, Smite, Adeliin something A little bit about yourself? Im a happy young Boy! if I may say so in the age of ninteen, I love to play all kinds of sports a bit sportsfreak, Alcohol in the weekends every now and then, Be with my friends / family. Watching Tv etc etc And most of all play Tera Do you have a high speed internet connection and a good computer? Yes Have you applied to the TERA usergroup? Yes
nice to see someone been thinking about why to use certain glyph and can give an explanation about it . nice aply
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