hoaxe's Application

Discussion in 'Accepted and on Probation' started by hoaxe, Jun 5, 2012.

  1. hoaxe

    Jun 5, 2012
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    TERA (EU) Application
    How old are you?
    In-Game Name?
    Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a mic?
    What is your primary class?
    What are you looking for in a community/guild and how do you feel XoO will forfill your needs
    What I am looking for in a guild would be mostly the community wich is the most important part of a successfull guild in my oppinion wich increases both play quality of players and the moral between one and other. I have heard XoO has both a big community and a good sum of players that play together and that is exactly what i am searching for to progress and evolve in the game, to be fair I am pretty new to the game as i bought it about a month ago or so to play with a few of my friends wich have all reached the above 55+ lvl's.
    why do you think you will fit in on your previous awnser
    I am a serious player that likes to progress and master his class to be the best he can and was ment for, I'm both a friendly and open person. I like to take part in guild events etc. helping players, doing gvg battles and progressing in endgame content. Also the fooling around every now and then exploring the ingame world :)
    What is your focus on in the game
    Currently im focusing on lvling 60 since im lvl 59 when writing this :)), looking forward to enjoying the game to the fullest when i reach my 60. After that i would be focusing on both pve and pvp and building good communication with the rest of the guild to get the most out of the game and being a part of the whole.
    Are we the first guild you join in this game
    No, Myth would be the first guild that i join mainly because i got invited to it when i was starting out because they helped me alot and my friend that was lvling with me at the time. I am leaving them for XoO since most of my friends are applying for your guild Huggzy,Venoninja,Valkyrjan,Spots and Vonzo when he reaches a high enough lvl.
    Link us your Glyph build using the glyph builder and explain wy you picked those glyphs

    Overhand Strike - Glyph of Persistence -
    50% chance to have no cooldown on a spell with an already short cooldown. Why use this? Because no cooldown is better than a short cooldown. Say you wanted to link Knockdown Strike with Overhand Strike then follow that up with another spell followed by another Overhand Strike. You could only get the second overhand strike if it was on no cooldown. And then suppose it procs again, you've just cast 3 spells and 3 Overhand Strikes. Assuming that your Knockdown Strike landed and they are still knocked down, you can even use Leap Attack followed by another Overhand Strike! Possibilities are endless.

    Headlong Rush - Glyph of Energy -
    I like to glyph this to take the cooldown down to 9 seconds. This will allow you to be more mobile when fighting teleporters and will help you get away if you need to, also the attack speed does NOT hurt.

    Dash - Glyph of Energy -
    A decrease in this spell's cooldown is a must. 25% cooldown reduction on a 25 second cooldown puts you at 18.75 seconds. Tie this in with the buff's length and you have a pretty good upkeep of a buff that pretty much negates slows or makes you feel like you aren't even in combat in terms of speed.

    Knockdown Strike - Glyph of Power -
    Increases power by 25%. Yes this spell takes a while to cast, but it is a very good spell. Combined with increased chance to knockdown (not that it doesn't have a good knockdown chance already), this spell becomes a key spell to cast when an opponent is stunned or easy to hit. Are they already knocked down? Use it anyways, you can knock them down again, or knock them down as they are using retaliate!

    Knockdown Strike - Glyph of Strength -

    Increases knockdown probability by 20%. Combined with the above power increase, this makes this skill even more useful. The combination of high damage with high knockdown chance makes it a great glyph to get.

    Backstab - Glyph of Energy -
    Reduces cooldown by 20% on a 20 second cooldown. This allows this spell to be used a lot more often, which helps with you with mobility.

    Stunning Backhand - Glyph of Power -
    Increases power by 25%. Let's face it. As a slayer, this is one of our most reliable skills. It has an EXTREMELY fast casting time, it stuns, and it does damage. It also set you up for an overhand strike. Glyphing this only makes one of your very reliable abilities even stronger.

    Combo Attack - Glyph of the Swift -
    10% probability to increase attack speed by 15% for 10 seconds. This glyph is actually under estimated. You don't even have to be hitting anything for it proc. If you just swing at the air whenever you get the chance and it procs, it's a free 15% attack speed. Combine this with a glyph of acceleration on another spell and a headlong rush, that next spell could be one hell of a fast spell! And besides that, it just helps you with mobility and speed, something you should look forward to while playing a slayer!

    Evasive Roll - Glyph of Persistence -
    20% chance to reset cooldown.

    Whirlwind - Glyph of Carving -
    Tripple crit. Do i need to say more, helps alot against knocked down targets or big groups in pve doing.

    Heart Thrust - Glyph of Carving -
    Same as whirlwind but more epic.

    This should be all of em i think, I haven't really focused on them since i've been busy trying to lvl as fast as i can and just threw in a few glyphs to maximize my dmg output.
    Previous Gaming Experience:
    I started out playing computer games very young, my first love was FPS games and alot of them Wolfenstein 3D ftw ;). Then i turned to MMO's such as Age of conan, eve online,
    What is your activity level?
    I play 30-40 hours per week.
    When will your activity level be the highest
    Usually in the afternoon and during nightime on all days since i dont have a job atm heh.
    Do you have a referral?
    A little bit about yourself?
    I am outgoing/open/sarcastic/positive/humorous/friendly/nerd oh and first but not least I am hyper.

    That should sum up most of my personality :p. Im not really good in describing myself :S I never know how to start or what to say heh.
    Do you have a high speed internet connection and a good computer?
    Have you applied to the TERA usergroup?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2012
  2. hoaxe

    Jun 5, 2012
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    Forgot to add that my friend Hugstar referred me to the guild. :)
  3. Keller

    Apr 12, 2012
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    Good application, I have tot alk to you ingame first, before I can do something with it though.
  4. Keller

    Apr 12, 2012
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