I would love to give guilds wars 2 a shot the videos I have been looking at make the game seem very promising. Shoot me a key I can.
HIYA! I'm on Fragworld as "CalenDragonblade" but the login is being dumb for me and won't let me get in. It keeps just going to a blank white screen, no login confirmation and so on. Anywhoo. I'd like a key sir! <3 :3
Trigger pappy will try his best to accommodate but with this demand I don't think everyone will get one. To increase your chances of getting a key please post onfragworld asking for a key. If you get a key from him please remember to thank him.
Hi, could you sign me up for a key please? I tried creating an account on fragworld but on the new user screen it does not go any further when you put your details in and click Next - and I checked the part "I have read and agree to the Terms and conditions". So if you can send me a key would be appreciated ta.