Severase's Application

Discussion in 'Denied Applications' started by Severase, Apr 24, 2012.

  1. Severase

    Apr 24, 2012
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    TERA (EU) Application
    How old are you?
    In-Game Name?
    My characters name will be Severase if it is available to me With early character creation.
    Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a mic?
    What is your primary class?
    Why did you choose XoO:
    I'm looking for a guild to play with my friends of which will be applying also to do all variations of content and do it as a guild in a fun but also serious manner.
    Previous Gaming Experience:
    There is too much here to mention everything but the highlights for me in past MMO's were vanilla and TBC WoW, I have since played the other expansions and completed most end game in them but did not enjoy it as much as the previous two, I played RIft for three months and quit as it felt very similar to WoW in my opinion also tried swtor in which I ended up quitting due to my friends not playing anymore, I have been playing online games since I can remember. The most memorable game for me was Legend of Mir 2 and 3 a Korean grind game that was re-released to the western market. Also play various shooters and rpg's and regularly play LoL and Minecraft but at the moment the game I am enjoying the most and is Tera, it is by far the best MMO experience I have had since...well, pretty much ever.
    Why do you think you'll be a good fit?
    I work 3 - 4 days a week when I'm not working I'm playing games which is a massive hobby of mine I pretty much sit and game all day on my days off, I'm easy going, up for a laugh and really want to get the most out of the mmo (playing with others) and the rpg experience.
    What will you contribute to the guild?
    As I said in the above answer to your question I will be gaming regularly and for long periods, no interruptions and will do all of this seriously, I am really looking forward to Tera as it is a blend of a lot of past MMO's I have played with its own unique style and combat, I can see myself spending a lot of time playing the game.
    Also willing to help other members out in any way possible and I am always up for a laugh.
    Do you have a referral?
    Friend of Kodan
    A little bit about yourself?
    I am a Irish-Norwegian 19 year old lad that works for his parents in their bar/restaurant I only work 3-4 days a week as I am a lazy git. I also live in the Canary Islands, I am in between studies so I guess I am taking a year or two off and just relaxing, my main hobby is gaming and I do it a lot. When I'm not gaming I'm usually catching up on the almost countless amount of tv series I watch while sitting on mumble/TS and chatting away with guild members, I'd like to think of myself as easy going and serious when the situation calls for it. I only speak English and Spanish, no Norwegian or Irish I am afraid :p. If there is anything else you would like to know don't hesitate to ask.
    Activity level?
    I would average due to my work alternative 3 or 4 days of work a week. 65 - 75 hours a week, probably more.
    Do you have a high speed internet connection and a good computer?
    Have you applied to the TERA usergroup?
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2012
  2. Lailana
    Veteran Crowfall Member

    Aug 16, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Hi there :) thank you for your application, i just PM'ed you our Teamspeak info, so please join us on ts when you have the time, so we can interview you.
  3. Lailana
    Veteran Crowfall Member

    Aug 16, 2009
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  4. Keller

    Apr 12, 2012
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    I would like to inform you that you have failed your 30-day probationary period.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2012