He clearly knows way too much about shit. He explains stuff in super smart terms then dumbs it down for us common folk. Now i know my fair shit of computer stuff but I just wanna give another shout too Enigma again. 256 gb M4 Crucial SSD = AMAZING !!! Thanks again for the recombination and explanations of stuff
I know what products are good and what goes with what and the reasons etc he knows that + all the techs behind it ... what those techs do ... its like he is a rocket scientist that came from mars or some shiz
Enigma for Tech President! (I'm gonna need some advice/help in the near future when building my new rig so I'm just trying to get on his good side)
yes enigma is awsome, BUT if he was to gief out cookies, he would become SUPERCALAFRAGELISTICEXPEALIDOSIOUS!
who da fuck are you all talking about? I've never seen this "enigma" character. fucking mysteries and their ninja bullshit. and their ninja cookies.