What gets you in the mood for writing / drawing. (Seems like an appropriate place to ask) I ask because at the moment I have a mountain of work/research to do for university and seem to have lost all motivation to do it - simply creating a larger backlog. I usually dunk my head in the sink and then just crack on, or if that doesn't work change my room around for a different working environment. However that again does not seem to be helping this time. I think I just need a break, however I can't afford one until the end of May. Any advice ? Edit: My spelling in the title sucks.
Sit back in a chair, close your eyes, and listen to some raw music. No lyrics, just instruments, I'll leave what type up to you. I enjoy acoustic guitar, weather it be 12 string or 6.
Taking a walk helps, pacing back and forth if I can't get outside helps. Do some free thinking, having conversations in your head about anything. Something will come to mind.