TERA (NA) ApplicationHow old are you? 20 In-Game Name? Snowman Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a mic? Yes What is your primary class? Slayer Why did you choose XoO: I'd love to say that, unlike everyone else who recently joined I don't know Peppershaker and I'm only joining because this place seems awesome, But I do know Peppershaker. I want to be able to game with my friends and the people I know. Pepper has introduced me to a few people from XoO and you guys are pretty awesome. That's why i want to join Previous Gaming Experience: I've played WoW (casual play) I made it to the end game content but unfortunately was never able to get a raid group going. LoL (unranked) SC2 (was gold league) I played GW when i was really young. Unfortunately because I was so young my experience with this game doesn't really go beyond "Getting introduced to the fun that is the MMORPG genre" What will you contribute to the guild? I intend to be there for the guild when it needs me. I don't want to attempt to be a leader but I have no issue offering feedback and attempting to help the group dynamic. I'm currently enrolled in a Bachelors of Interior Design at Sheridan College so I am no stranger to fairly grueling hours when it comes to getting things done. I also have a generally good spacial awareness. One thing that I'm actually proud of is that I have the ability to listen to negative feedback and to learn from my mistakes. I also have no issue taking directions and trying out new strategies given to me by other players Localization: NA Do you have a referral? Peppershaker Eillwyna Lanfear A little bit about yourself? I'm pretty easy going but I will put my nose to the grindstone when it comes time to get a job done. I have a good sense of humor and will always attempt to see things from others view. I have been an avid PC gamer since about the time the first Starcraft came out and I still absolutely love RTS games. I'm also very good at putting the differences I have with people aside in the name of getting things done. Activity level? i'm currently enrolled in a fulltime course at college and i work to help pay for that so i may not be able to do 35 hours a week but i could reasonably do 20 Do you have a high speed internet connection and a good computer? Yes Have you applied to the TERA usergroup? Yes You have 9 balls. All but 1 weigh the same. You are able to use the scale (2 sided scale) to weigh them against other balls two times. How do you find the ball with the different weight to it? split them into 3 groups of 3. leave three to the side and then weigh the two groups against each other. One of two things will happen: 1. Both sides are weighted evenly. grab the 3 balls set aside because the heavy ball is in it 2. One scale will dip. this is the group of 3 that will have the heavier ball. now for part 2: weigh 2 of these three balls. if the scale is even the ball to the side is the right one. if not the one that dipped is the heavy one.
Can you elaborate on your WoW and GW experience, did you do any Arena's, RBG's, Raiding, HoH, GvG, etc... Please be concise on the type of content you engaged in, and post any relevant ratings and achievements. Thanx(>")>
Absolutely. I made the changes you requested and if you need any more details feel free to ask thanks.