Like Dragon Nest, but less anime (in some ways) and no prepubescent characters! -cough- Arimil Is anyone interested?
I did try it out, because I've played the majority of PWE's games. I definitely could not get into the game, haha. May be better with an actual controller, but I found the computer controls were really difficult to get used to. Only 3 playable characters to choose from seemed a bit lame to me as well.
i dont think side scrolling is the right term for this game. You actually have to play the game before turning it down. I enjoy playing it i have a lvl 13 angela so far...i end up playing by myself and there isnt very many people on East 2 server which sucks. I would play more if there were more people to group with, groups play is pretty intense, the difficulty gets harder the more there are in the group. If you played vindictus is not much different when it comes to aiming for your targets...thats the whole point of a hack n slash.
Its a fun game, played it for a while I have like a lvl 13/14. Its fun for a bit, but becomes very tedious.
Tried this out, the control scheme is what really set me off. I think if you could get past the control scheme being sort of archaic this wouldn't be too bad of a game for a F2P.
Extremely tedious and becomes boring pretty fast. Dragons Nest is superior in about every way possible, and has more polish to it.
gonna give this one another shot. i liked playing it but it was dead as hell the server i was on but they did a merge with the east coast servers and there new characters that came out.
I tried this a while back looking for D2 clones. It's not exactly a D2 clone. It was cool for a while and then just so, so boring/repetitive. Think I gave it up for Darkspore.
I may give it a whirl again as well, I tried logging into my old account and it will not let me. So... wont make a new account unless I know a few people are playing again.