I would also like to point out the original artwork for the XoO logo was done by Isurus, that studmuffin. Thanks for the positive feedback.
Updated original post with some updates. CO's, Admin, and Xenate are now able to adjust credits (unless this gets abused then I will remove that ability individually). This means that leadership is encouraged to reward members for positive service, attitude, or for events. More on this can be found in the Commanders Corner of the forums. Members will also make credits by doing daily activities such as posting, lurking, and making friends.
I'm trying to find out how to refund my title glow since its not exactly what I pictured! Hmpf. /trolls-around
Loving it guys. Its fantastic! However, I bought the NSFW thing and I can't find where to access it, its not on the main forums Nooooo!
I wanna buy this feature, but looking at everyone else, hard to read what the title says. So was going to wait on this feature. Is there like a preview feature, so you can see what it looks like before you buy it?
temporarily removed the forum buy access and the arcade buy access till I can find out why the changes are not taking place. Also removed having to buy into gift access as people were having to sometimes buy it twice.
No, there wasn't a plugin at the time for vBulletin that allowed such a thing. I tried to get Kyoji to go to a new forum software however he wouldn't budge on his decision of sticking with vB. Thus such a feature was not implemented. I would also like to point out that you can disable a few features of the site in the general settings portion of your control panel. Such as disabling the flash banner, disabling the header entirely, or restoring the information area to the default slimmed down version. TS is the same.