We have been forced to upgrade our forums due to a PedoGunther invasion and with that will come many new changes. From 3.8 to 4.0 there will be many differences in how many things are structured so you will need to take the time to learn these new forum features. Furthermore, we have implemented some new things on the forums which include: - Arcade: located in the Games tab it will allow you to play in the arcade. There are some restrictions on the arcade such as having a minimum post count of 10 or more. We will add more games in the future, but for now enjoy trying to beat each other for top score. - Experience: We already had vBExperience before the switch however, after the switch some new things were added. There is now a more visible ranking system for both groups and individuals. Also, achievements have been added. An achievement is gained upon completion of a certain task. After a certain amount of posts or after a certain amount of time after you have joined you will receive a new achievement among other things. There is even a statistics tab to see who has the most referrals, friends, etc. - Market: We already had a small XoO Store with the ability to change your title color, however, the Market will expand upon those features and allow you to change your title color, add a glow to your title, give gifts to other members, buy your way into a new NSFW forum subsection, and more. Also, stealing money is now back in as are banks and steal protection...until someone breaks it. =P - Easier to use navigation: Our old forums did not allow us to freely control all of the main forum details you guys loved, now we can. We have added easy access to all your favorite forum commands such as usercp, private messages, awards, mark forums read, groups, division groups, and more all located at the top of the forum navigation. - Event Signups via division calendars: Division leaders (CO's/XO's/Officers), Admin, and Xenate can post up events in the calendar and have members RSVP to the event. Simply click on the Calendar tab and select "Calendar Picker" at the top right and select the division of your choice. - XoO Store: which will house and hold various XoO apparel and products you can buy to sport your inner XoO. - New fav icon: That is the little icon displayed in your browser window. - RSS Feed and Subscriptions: You are now able to click on the green subscription button on many of the forums to get updates when new posts are made or simply click the orange RSS buttons to get updates sent to you. Coming Soon: There are a few things that have not been added in yet that will be added in the future which include the blogging features and Triple Triad which will come in at a later date. If you come across any errors please PM them to me ASAP so they can be fixed. Known Bugs: - User titles have no color. You can re-apply color and some new effects in the Market tab. - Fav icon not displaying properly or displaying old. Simply go here AND here and hit ctrl+f5 to reset your cache. - Animated avatars will not animate if they are force resized to the forum requirements. Please make sure your avatar is at least smaller than the maximum allowed. Note: No negative comments about the site. If you have them this is what you do. You write them down with a piece of paper and a pencil and then you go kill yourself. We didn't take the time to create this to listen to you whine. Constructive comments can be left in the Suggestions and Feedback area. Also, please give a big thanks to Q and Arimil for getting everything setup and working properly. EDIT: Changed the background to it's originally intended form. For those of you who enjoyed the fun thank you. For those that did not refer to my note and follow those instructions. EDIT 2: Added 2 new games to the Arcade - Crazy Chess and Angry Birds. EDIT 3: Added back the ability for people to earn credits by making friends, joining groups, getting referrals, posting, voting, creating a thread, rating threads, logging in each day, viewing threads, posting calendar events, staying on the forums and lurking gets you a consistent flow of credits, viewing others profiles, tagging threads and more. There are negation amounts so if you get 500 credits for posting and you delete it you will lose those 500 points to avoid abuse. Explore the forums and enjoy. EDIT 4: The frontpage had an old template banner we were using as a placeholder. Someone accidentally uploaded the wrong file. I have since uploaded the new banner. Simply click here and ctrl_f5 to refresh the cache.
Some people might not be happy with waking up in the morning with no credits. I've seen a couple people get bleed dry.
OK! heh. Thanks to a few of you testing our steal usage we have decided to allow stealing only in the sense of hurting others. This is a healthier way of getting back at someone rather than causing a ruckus on the forums. Now it isn't perfect but it is what we have. So if you want to steal from someone you will probably end up losing a bit of money. Not always, but the gap you will have to find yourselves. Steal protection is in, but it is expensive. So you high rollers will have to pay high to keep your money that way. Those of you that already bought steal protection will keep it as a parting gift for Q reseting the currency values to everyone after 5 minutes of the boards being opened there were nearly 60 Steal 10% transactions. rofl.
rofl saw this coming, but it was fun. not really a way you can have something like this in without it being a problem for a lot of people and making for sadness. really surprised to see this here at all. I guess with the numbers as they are now it isn't so bad though
Protection lasts for 30 days. So you will have to grind your money if you want to stay a high roller. Also, I hear Arimil got a straight flush and got kicked up to rank #3 for richest users. So the casino seems to be interesting.
Big thanks to Kyoji, Q and arimil for getting things up and running. Sometimes it goes unappreciated not getting to play and working on things line by line. So thanks.