I'll be playing an ele as war and monk are not my strongsuits, and both are high skillcap roles. Icy playing an ele or monk instead of hammer war? The whole reason we even have dual war in the build is because of Icy, having it in fact is more risky than not so I rather see someone who can make use of the role. As for specific els, I'm pretty sure it's going to be first come first serve.
the two hammers are there becuse the 6 ele ver. has become leagon in HA we found that adding the two DBS wars to shut down key players made chances of sucess much higher (the only game we loast was also not a flawless and was full of people like charmlee , starcraft and atleast one person from rawr) I should have pointed out from the beginning that i would be in the #1 slot from the begining unless anyone if feeling up to calling stratagy and spikes from a build they have never played in the current HA meta in a game they have not played in a few years.
not quight meta yet but common enough to think of countering. also the DBS wars counter a lot of things IE the Ritulists that most HA builds depend on. remember this weekend we will be facing seasoned HAers and not the type of folks you see on double fail weekend so interruption will be key. we may get also get into halls and face a battle we can't win (in witch case we decide which team we hate the most and and and we enter in a gentleman's agreement with the third team to Gank them ) the main point of all of this is to remind the Guild wars community that We are Xen of Onslaught and this is what we do. (Damn that line is Sig worthy LOL)
Who ever is playing the second hammer war PM me we need to get together in game and go over this wacky build
Yeah, I've got to drop out (as much as I really want to attend). I have a play to go to for my theater class at that exact time and the drive to and from is 40~60 minutes each way.
I think he was wishing you luck Break a neck as well. (if telling an actor ot break a leg is wishing them a sucessfull perfomance break a neck must be wishes for an awesome performance )
Optimistically, I should be back by around 9~10pm CST. If you guys are still going at that time, I would be happy to jump in. EDIT: Oh, I know. I was calling the people who adjusted my well organized schedule bastards.
Ya, should of been there. It was fun playing with only 3 hours of sleep! I had fun just talking to some old faces tho.