The TERA division kicked off it's first real night of fun Friday when the servers for the Closed Beta test 1 opened up and we have participated in GvG's, 1v1's, 10v10's, 5v5's as well as completing the various dungeons and world bosses that were available. Thank you to all who participated and I hope to see more people on the fence join the fun!
Feel free to give rift a shot inbetween Tera closed beta phases! Its a good filler with open pvp and a lot of new stuff! See this thread for actually starting and this one for information on whats changed since the Xen Rift division collapse. Help us reboot while you wait for Tera to come out!
Closed Beta Test 1: February 10 – 12 Closed Beta Test 2: February 24 – 26 Closed Beta Test 3: March 9 – 11 Closed Beta Test 4: March 23 – 25 Closed Beta Test 5: April 6 – 8 Open Beta Test: April 19 – 22 Head Start: April 28 – May 1
Beautiful game, hope to be with you in the next CB, and A SHAME they put into the stores the physicall version until now -.-
I managed to get on for a few hours, but lost any chance to play this CBT do to a house purchase getting finalized over the weekend. I'll be there for the next one, hopefully with a new GPU by then.
was great fun, watched some group duels from the guys that got to lvl 22 before me, when i got to 22, did some runs of that 1 dungeon, learned a lil about glyphs and actually sold some crap on AH. its going to be great fun on a pvp server when its crowded in the first couple of weeks, i can see fighting over quest mobs become a nice great part of me life...
Sorry Justin Beaver couldn't be in the group picture, he had to perform at a concert. "Baby, baby, baby, oh baby"