this is something i think they messed up on, cause when you read what they tell you. : "Order from En Masse to get the exclusive White Stallion" and my main point was, that the 50 dollar ones comes with the option of getting a name before its taken, they don't mention that with the DC, or the CE, which leads me to thnk that the CE only really is for people who want touchable items. when u can get the in game items from the DC. but what really doesn't make sense is if i but the DC from them, do i get the option for early name? or even the mount. they did a bad job at telling people cons and pros. and what you buy, that is included in other copies.
well, i was only going to use the coupon for the ingame gear, on the same acc. probably staking days to 60. but idk if they will be come in 2 forms. for the CE
I am almost positive that you are reading too literally on all that. Common sense sort of gives you the answers to the misinformation. Pre-ordering (whether it be the standard, DCE or CE) gives you.. Unique Mount Order from En Masse to get the exclusive White Stallion City Wheel Earring Level 10+, Defense +7, Balance +3, Max HP +178 Seren's Sand Ring Level 35+, Attack +57, Damage +30, Max MP +82 Early Name Reservation Create a character and reserve your name before launch Head Start Servers open April 28th for Pre-Order accounts Now, if you order DCE you get all of above AND... Regal Frostlion Mount Velik's Bloodstone Necklace Level 15+, Attack +21, Damage +8, Max MP +70, Attack Speed +4% Shakan's Bloodstone Necklace Level 40+, Attack +91, Damage +59, Max MP +143, Attack Speed +6% And ordering physical CE gives you all of above AND the map and all that dorky shit. So, ordering the DCE or CE WILL give you the head-start and name select. Hopefully thats clear.
thank you very much, i will only hope that tera learns to better they messages, to the players. this does seem like a no brainier. for the record. i was just stating that the way they make it sound is, buying from En Masse u get the house. which is true sucks. cause i kinda thinks house over lion in speed for some reason...
Also I think you can download TERA now if you been selected and I think if your preorder Since the download button is up.... but I think its only a little part not the patches
WTF, i can not find where to pre order the collector's edition... any help ? not in amazon, not in walmart not in bestbuy
Hey guys, im from the netherlands and was wondering where i can pre-order this game cause i dont have a creditcard, any retailers in europe?
/boner LMAO @ Bluehole cuz all I can envision is a Smurf's arse . . . Anywo, glad to see that someone gets the preorder shiny's right. I was discussing this early on in SWTOR about how items are retarded and obsolete after an hour of gameplay. I'm super psyched just based on them seeming to get this point. I mean, they're including items for higher levels which is just plain cool. /preordering I HEART KYOJI SPABCEBAR APP BTW: +$10 for DCE = WIN
I am actually holding off on Tera Pre-Order till late April. I heard good rumor that Diablo 3, might be coming out late May. If that true i wont be playing Tera =p
Yeah the playable racoons and campiness of the artwork is keeping me at bay .... plus another fantasy game ? I'll the beta a try if I can get in