Rules 1) When you think of The Game, you lose The Game. 2) When you lose The Game, you announce it to those around you. There, now anyone who reads this has now lost the game. Btw, I lost The Game.
I took a look at the front page and facepalmed. I'm sorry, but I cannot describe how morbidly atrocious this is. /b/ is dead, long over, in the ground... digging it up to lol at it is sick but acceptable, but this is like digging up a corpse and hanging it in your store display. Further more: (Sorry for being so graphic, I watched like 2 CD's of metalocalypse last night, fucking lulzy)
I don't mind losing the game, in fact one of the most difficult games to win is reverse-poker... convincing your friends they won against you at your best =P