rather than edit the copy-paste fail it seems to do I will just link you the review. http://www.betacake.net/2011/12/29/archeage-betacakes-cbt4-review/ Sounds epic.
they lost me at tab targeting... ..ezmode We are capable of aiming a swing, an arrow and blocking. Its been done before. One day someone will be successful in incorporating this into a GOOD game.
Sorry man but arche age is looking fantastic despite the targeting. I really really want this game when its out.
...... there are a few MMO's that adding the non tab targeting system... like TERA, kinda in B&S and there was like another one or two that also doing it
Really wish the pvp video had the UI on it but even so it looks beautiful. Prison looks like it sucks, anyone care to throw us a translation of what they are sayign in the jail video? I guess I should go check the youtube comments to see if someone did it for us.