WoW (NA)(Sargeras)

Discussion in 'Denied Applications' started by Holliehealz, Dec 28, 2011.

  1. WoW (NA)(Sargeras)
    Character Name
    What is your class?
    What is your main spec?
    Please link your WoW Armory informationExplain your talent selection (theorycrafting source, specialization choices etc)
    Before i transferred, i had alot of help with guild members helping me spec. It has worked out ofr the past 2 mnths of me having this toon a tank and i have done fairly well
    What is your age?
    What are your current professions and their raid benefit
    Mining/Blacksmithing(neither really have a raid benefit) cooking i'm currently workiing on to get it maxed out
    How long you've been playing WoW and what PvE progression you've accomplished
    i've played since BC and i have had many different raid encounters, such as BT SWP, in LK i cleared every raid up to and including the LK himself. I learn raid fights really fast so if i need to look any up, i can and i'll have them down after the first or second watch of a video.
    Describe how you theorycraft your class (websites, spreadsheets, etc)
    Occupation and living arrangements that impact raiding (family, schedule, etc)
    i am military but i'm in tech school right now so i have another year or so before any talks of deployments. i am free weekends, and anytime after 4pm on week days
    List scheduling conflicts (include times for possible weekend 10mans)
    none that i can think of
    Guild History - where are you leaving and why
    transferred...Was in The Fighting Irish on Gnomeregan but the GM was more concerned about gearing officer alts that newer players in the guild didnt get chances to raid
    How did you hear about us? List any friends/references within the guild
    Roch whispered me and told me to apply and see if i would keep at your guys standards
    List your raid consumables and your method for maximizing them
    stam flask food and anything like that normally right before boss fights so i can have them for multiple attempts(if needed)
    Provide your raid damage/healing performance. Examples are Recount Screenshot with personal breakdown of attacks, WoW Web Stats (WWS), or World of Logs
    Provide a screenshot of your UI
    Can you take constructive criticism and being call out on mistakes (both in and out of raid)?
    Final comments you feel could help your application
    my UI i use really two addons and its omen and recount but i mean as a tank recount i have never really bothered looking at...and if you would like to use me on a test run on a weekend 10 man to see me actually play just let me know i'm normally always on
    Have you applied to the WoW usergroup?
  2. Pala

    Mar 31, 2010
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    You do not have the level of gear we are looking for so I am denying this application. However, I will make a few suggestions to help you improve your character.

    1. Focus on mastery. Mastery will decrease the overall damage you take and also reduce the chance of taking a full melee attack. You should get as much mastery as you can from gems and reforging until the sum "dodge% + parry% + block% + 5% chance to miss" reaches 102.4%.

    When you reach this point, you are guaranteed to block or avoid every melee attack, which will make your damage intake feel less "spikey" as easier for the healers. After this point, additional mastery becomes useless so you can pick up other stats instead.

    With that in mind, your soulshifter vortex will also become less valuable since the mastery gained from the trinket would be pointless. I realize you don't have any other options, and the high stamina on that trinket is definitely nice, so it is worth keeping for now. However, I would consider replacing it when you find better trinkets and move closer to the 102.4% value I described above.

    2. Glyph of Exorcism is awful for protection since you should never (with few exceptions) use this spell. I would recommend replacing it with Seal of Truth or Word of Glory glyph.

    The following website is dedicated to protection paladins and full of useful information about gearing, talents, etc. I would highly recommend taking a look :)

    I wish you luck in your search for a guild.