Another reason to stay home and game!
I wish companies saw it this way. My job actually gives you a bonus at the end of the year if you don't call in sick. So, that causes a lot of people to come in sick and it causes other people to get sick. I think it's so irresponsible.
Some jobs don't have that luxury. I wish there was enough people to fill the jobs needed so people in my and many other lines of work could take a few sick days.
In most lines of work there are enough people, they're just working crap jobs because no-one else has vacancies.
Except for those working the civil service jobs i.e. fireman, police, 3 letter agencies, security, and military. Those people don't usually get sick days.
Yes fireman most certainly do have sickdays plus they only work two 24 hour shifts in a whole work week Police have sick days as well Are you kidding me about the postal agency? do they even work a full week I cannot comment on Military because I do not know for sure
Fireman in particular are not usually JUST fireman, and as far as PD, when I worked as a class 1 for Phoenix Metro PD sick days were laughable at best. The postal agency is one of those crap jobs Ben was talking about. I can tell you that you do not get sick days in most branches of the military unless you're riding a desk stateside.
You made it sound so difficult to get out of work. Goto sick bay, fake it well, they give you a chit for the day, not hard.
In my job they try to talk you out of calling in sick when you call in sick lol. The managers would try to guilt trip the employees into coming in.
Whats a "sick day"? I work at Walmart, where unless your nose is brown you come in with the bird flu or hit the road. No lie. They had to have bad press coverage before they got "tolerable" of that.
I'll send my folks home if they are off the walls sick. It does nothing productivity wise. If they don't have the time I'll steal from next year's pool, but I'd rather not get sick. If it's just an arse ache I don't care, it's there time to burn. At least that's how I feel. As for military when I had folks come in for sick slips id rather have a soldier spend the time resting or faking if there head is not in the game.
My job gives 2 sick days a month and is encourage to take them. I read an article awhile ago about this, and this is the exact reason it's encouraged.