1 Week after Rag dropped his pretty mount for us the WoW NA division completed their meta achievement and received the Corrupted Egg of Mallagazor mount. Stay tuned for the Heroic Ragnaros Kill Shot!
Congratulations on the achievement and the mount; the purple fire looks great, not quite as sexy - if indeed pixels can be sexy - as the pureblood firehawk but still awesome. So just HC Ragnaros for you guys to do. That really is a great achievement so far and I am sure the Fire Lord is already quaking in his boots. Good luck with him.
nice one guys, just 1 big question...now what nothing left for you guys... well there is pvp ofcourse
Heroic Ragnaros. His difficulty is MUCH higher than the first 6 bosses so killing him may take some time. Once we do kill him, that is a good question