Wow (EU)(Saurfang) What are the chances of that? Almost a year ago, a new Xen of Onslaught Division was founded in WoW (EU) Saurfang, an Alliance guild to provide counterpoint to the successful and well-established XOO Horde guild in Sargeras (NA). Initially, the guild comprised 20 characters played by an eclectic mix of Europeans and a South African pariah who, I am pleased to say, has subsequently been both anglicized and civilized – apologies Kloppers. The formation of the guild occurred 2 months after the new guild system had been introduced, so all of us had to suffer the painful loss of perks to create a new XOO in Saurfang. We found ourselves, as a result, somewhat behind the drag curve in raiding terms as cataclysm tore Azeroth asunder. In spite of a slow start the new XoO’s raid team (Team Onslaught) was cleared all the new content prior to Firelands. Indeed XoO established a second raid team (Team Xen), which also managed to clear Cata content as Firelands was being introduced. At this time, our compliment of characters in the guild had increased significantly to 154 and we also managed to achieve growing the guild to full maturity as it ‘dinged’ level 25. Welcome back old perks hello to new ones! New content and new challenges required a new approach to raiding. For the time being, players from Teams Onslaught and Xen were merged to form a new progression team (Invicta) to lead the way in Fireland’s content. After some rapid initial progress, 75 wipes on the challenging Firehawk, Alysrazor and 99 wipes on Ragnaros, Invicta successfully cleared Fireland’s content last week. In the current raid lock, all bosses were farmed (one-shot) except for the woe-begotten Alyrazor, who represents something of a challenge for the writer of the post. Shannox was defeated in heroic mode and attempts were made at heroic Beth, Rhyolith and Staghelm Domo to measure up a target for the next serious heroic attempt. With all content cleared Invicta once again faced Ragnaros. Whilst during the previous week, we had mastered the Firelord, a match history of 99 defeats to 1 victory inspires neither the confidence of immediate domination nor the prospect of loot. Stunned surprise all round when the Firelord gave up and died at the first attempt and offered up amongst the stash the ultra rare, Pureblood Fire Hawk mount. Bohmau, who favours the title ‘The Exalted’ (must be irony) rolled 99 scuppering anyone’s legitimate expectations and adding another mount to his already over-full stable. Gratz Kev - i am jelly! It took several weeks of compromise flexibility and determination to re-establish a second raiding team. As Invicta clears all content, a reformed team Xen downed Alysrazor and took Major Domo to under 10%. Team Xen has clear agenda and has now established a battle rhythm of its own that saw Alyrazor downed in under 50 wipes (25% improvement over Invicta). If I were a betting man I would put odds on them too wiping the smile off Ragnaros’s face by the end of September. The guild continues to grow in size and now has 176 characters on its Roll of honour and ranks in the top 10 on the realm. I have every expectation that the guild will continue to grow and develop and that it will be – for the first time – positioned to compete on a more even playing field by the time Deathwing flies into view. Watch this space!
Excellent work. Sounds like a lot of members, or does that 176 include alt's as well? Good to see progression!
Grats!!! We actually had the mount drop for us this week as well! Will post some screenies when I can. Let us know if you guys need any help with the heroic content. We're working on Heroic Rag now and he's going to be a beast!
divide by 3 is the rule isnt it? but yeh alts are in there, and i think u get close if you divide by 3. Kev im real jelly as wel!! sick mount.
it really is an awesome mount - the chance to pick your brains and have a conflab over Heroic content would very much be appreciated. Ty for the offer. A few of us will be over in the near future!
We are usually most active between 6 and 12 Eastern time. One of our raid groups will be running tonight and mine will be running tomorrow as well. If I'm not in TS just ask someone who is to tell Waxx to get on. Most of the guild can also get ahold of me through text.
Grats guys! That mount does look amazing. As Waxx already mentioned, we were lucky enough to see one drop this week as well. Our entire group is jealous. We wish you guys the best on heroic modes. If you have any questions, we would be happy to help out
Wow.. Who would have thought we would have another very successful wow raiding division. Alliance none the less and EU as well! Congrats guys and gals on a job well done!