On my phone, but is this different from the Facebook voting tgey did a few weeks ago? Or is it still the same promotion? Again, can't click link.
LMAO! I was just playing the game last night and had that same chick interview me (they did a good job on the location too). On the topic of Shepard, I could never play the game with anyone but the default, stock Shepard. I regard him as the hero of the Mass Effect universe, and playing as anyone else would diminish that feeling, and so the game would never be the same.
I tried once before on my 2nd play through to make a custom Shepard... lasted a whole 45 minutes. Default Male Shepard ftw.
Same here, I like default male shepard best. Though I could envision that one of my three completed ME 1 runs could have used a female version if they were that pretty. The lack of long hair and the default ugliness killed any volition on my part. Btw, the caption for this penny-arcade comics reads "The only way to be sure". Those who don't get the reference will have to tell 10 mom jokes to a Krogan and try to survive the ordeal.
I made a slightly revision of the default female in ME2 as my renegade character and she turned out okay.
Have completed 4 ME2 playthroughs so far. All of them with default male sheppard. As the man said, he is the hero of the ME universe. I also tried going with female or with costum sheppart but it didnt' last long
I think it comes down to which one you played on your very first play through of ME1. I say this because my first play through was my custom femshep, and I view her as the hero of my universe.
just thought id point out, that model for shepard is actually based on a porn star. shows you were their mind is.
Which? Male or female? Lots of characters are based off models or celebs, because they typically are appealing to most.
If you're good enough that is. Also can't stand the default male Shepard, I keep feeling like he's some ugly pitbull. I ended up making my own male Shepards every time. Female one isn't too bad, but I changed the hair each time I did it.
Ditto. Also, even though I played through ME1 multiple times, I have zero inclination to even finish my first run through ME2. I'll probably be buying ME3 a year after release for the same reason I bought ME2: Steam sale!
Nope. I figure once I have nothing else to play, or look forward to, I'll try and get through it again. In under two weeks I'll have the new Deus Ex though. Then BF3, and if not BF3 I can just wait for Skyrim, and then TOR...