Since on of our very own veteran members Xamiazi is in the Seals I found it prudent to make this thread. For those of you who may not know 30 US troops including 22 Navy Seals were shot down over Afghanistan last weekend and died. Thanks to all of our armed service men and women both at home and abroad.
Good luck to our own SEAL! And of course I respect all the guys who have the balls to go out there to keep us safe.
Sucks to hear that some of the best warriors on the planet could vanish in an instant. My condolences to their families.
Guardian is a GW2 class devoted to denying enemy attacks and boosting those of its allies. It's well-named. We pretty near don't have armed forces in this country because it's the most strategically unimportant place on the planet, but of what we do have, the best is in Afghanistan doing similar work. As a small unit with a lot of training and a bit of luck, they haven't lost anyone yet but they sure have come close a couple times.
I read about this the other day and really sucks. Sucks to see anyone die in a time of crisis. Wish there was a better way to handle disputes or terrorism like this so good people don't die. Thanx to all the people in the armed forces that fight on our be half, and hope something like this doesn't happen again.